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    52% of Coldplayers give perfect marks for 'Moving To Mars' - a Coldplaying poll record

    movingtomarsposter2_1.pngWith all the Glastonbury furore out of the way, we can look back now on the airing and subsequent release of Moving To Mars via the Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall EP. After almost 1300 votes in just 72 hours, a whopping 52% of Coldplayers have given a perfect 10/10 score for the track. Overall, 90% of you have given the song at least 7/10. See the poll results, and more of your comments, after the jump. What did you think of the latest song to be unveiled? Let us know at the Moving To Mars sub-forum at the messageboard now!


    This poll result so far eclipses the huge success Violet Hill received in the Coldplaying polls back in 2008 when the first single from Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends received 42% of perfect 10's from a pool of nearly 5000 votes.


    If you've yet to hear Moving To Mars (where have you been?!) you can listen to it at coldplay.com or at their

    channel. Moving To Mars is the third song in the new Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall EP that’s out digitally now via iTunes.

    Some more of your 'Moving To Mars' track comments: (thanks to everyone for their reviews!):


    Just heard it... wowwwww! Totally agree with all the comments so far. Has a real classic sound about it. Also agree it has a real feel of bowie about it, for me more so than pink floyd, but then that could be the spacey strings and the magical guitar work from Jonny. I wonder if the EP is going to be an excerpt from the album, in which case surely this track has to feature, or if it's like a bonus extra to it, in which case i'm excited about the songs we haven't yet heard. Such a shame about the studio version of MM. Grrr! Damn you Eno!! I know, I know - let it go! Either way this track is a great example of a new direction with classic sound for me. 10. [thanks rushofbloodUK]


    MTMpoll20110627.pngI'm digging it! I initially rated it a 6 but I think I had a different expectation than what it ended up being. On 2nd and 3rd listening it is creeping up on me..starting to grow on me, like many great songs out there have on first listen. Nice track overall though and happy to have been waken up (7am here) by an ill-timed (or perfectly timed?) phone call! Also, after hearing this I am even more so excited about the potential for a live release (like 2003) of these songs. Major Minus is epic live and I get the feeling this would be too..along with all the other new material that they have played during their festival run! [thanks Xanderp15]


    wow, absolutely not hoping for this (maybe) 'out of theme' songs. i was quite surprised after etiaw, major minus, charlie brown, etc, they released a song like this. so pure! Chris' piano is back!!! they don't put any fancy filter on chris' voice *phew* no electric eclectic sounds effects like waterfall or charlie brown. this song remind me to 'a message' from x & y, but this one is darker and more sentimental. 8/10 beautiful tracks, beautiful arrangement. But i have to say, major minus is still the best new songs. [thanks azkaazkaazka]


    I'm liking this song, really, but probably I'll need to listen to it and feel it more "mine" in order to appreciate it in all its beauty. I think it's fun how everyone says "it's parachute-ish", it's "a rush-ish", it's "x&y-ish"...simply, it's Coldplay, all their music and all thei different vibes are in them, they just evolve, but they have all their magics with them all the time! [thanks yuls]


    10 out of 10, this song is amazing. One random thing this song reminded me of is Animals because when the drums first come in it sounds like it might be on a drum machine + some of the spaceyvibey songs Animals has. But this song really is like nothing else; it's absolutely wonderful. In the chorus when Will joins in singing.... The first time I listened to it, I thought to myself, "where is this epic Jonny lead?" but I've realized that this song will be really bloody mega once Jonny gets his hands on an e-bow... [thanks MosesTheMarshmallow]


    After a couple of listening quietly at home (i can't stop listen it, jeez) I would say this is a new level for Coldplay, almost perfect combination of roots with multilayer eno's sound. I said almost perfect because they definitely borrow some bits. But this is serious, deep and emotional music, something about tiny bit like human love of a one man and it connection with the universe, equality of this things, they equal beauty of love with unreachable stars, because it's all the same substance. Amazing song. It must be on the album, a beautiful close track. Sorry for English, I can't express properly everything I feel about this song. [thanks Odvan]


    After hearing ETIAW I was upset in that Coldplay had moved so far away from what I considered to be 'their sound' that I just wasn't enjoying it. Major Minus helped to resotre the little faith that I had lost however I wasn't convinced with the studio recording. Just when I thought they'd lost touch they come back with this amazing song. Moving To Mars is fucking wonderful. [thanks - DAN -]


    Incredible song! This is the evolved Coldplay we've been waiting for I rated it a 9, it's just pure quality. But it really does beg the question as to why on earth they thought ETIAW was in any way shape or form superior to this? If this is left off the album in favour of ETIAW, it will be totally embarrassing. The band really need to start tightening their quality control, there really just isn't any excuse when they can clearly still produce amazing music. [thanks Zemy101]


    A 10 out of 10, or maybe a 10 out of 1. The melody is just a really really really obsessing!!! And it feels linked to the lyrics, just the way Coldplay intended to be felt. It feels as if we are the drug addict man the band were searching for, when these songs were composed. And yes, it is an awkwardly strange and shockingly different music (along with all the other LP songs), but this is what they wanted, and it is what we all should have expected to hear on the LP5 era. Good luck and best wishes to Coldplay!!!! [thanks At High Speed]


    I'm giving it a 7/10 but 7.5 is more accurate. Its definitely the best thing I've heard from them in quite awhile. There are a few issues that keep it from a full 8. I find that transition in style in the middle of the song a little less smooth than I would like, but better than the one on 42. I'm not totally digging the super low pitch of Chris's voice in the beginning, but still FAR better than the distorted mess from MM. At this point I just have no idea what direction this album is going to be headed in. It really feels like they are attempting every style of music they can think of. Time will tell if I shall enjoy the result of their experimentation. [thanks majgirl]


    After spending my day listening to it every time I could and reading all the comments. I think this is what the song does for us: 1. It's simple yet powerful. 2. Perfect mix of the old and new. 3. It has heart and soul. 4. It has the merit of bringing ALL the coldplayers back together again. Finally a song that we all love (51% gave it a 10/10 and 30% a 9 or an 8, I think this is the 1st song that has achieved this feat on coldplaying.com). No more fighting. 5. This song is so amazing that I don't think the world is ready for what has to come next. Can the boys top this, I hope they do but after freaking out all day over this new wonder, I think I'll die, lol. 6. Chris is singing numbers ("8 to 9, 9 to 8, 76543") and this song is still beautiful. A countdown never sounded better. 7. Did I mention that this song is amazing. 8. We should start petition for a video. I will start a thread for that matter. [thanks macky]


    So I initially really liked Moving to Mars but now I'm at this point where I LOVE MTM! There's a way when you listen to a song sometimes you see little things you would change or you see ways you would have gone about it differently. MTM actually feels...spacey. It's like, everything put together I just get this distinct image of someone floating through space sort of looking down on earth. And obviously that's my visual, but I really do feel the whole weightless of space is somehow built into the song. I don't even know how. And I really love the way Chris starts at such a low register. This being a very different song than Yes, I feel like its really used to perfection in building the song up. The song is definitely not pop in the way ETIAW is (which I don't see as a bad thing) and it's not U2ish (which I think MM is - to its detriment). It's weird in a way because its very different from normal Coldplay with that beat coming in 1:30ish. But they just pull this song off so well. And all the production on the song is INCREDIBLE. Bravo Mr. Dravs, Mr. Eno, and any other who had a hand in this. Coldplay really outdid themselves in my opinion here. The song never reaches too far or tries too hard. It doesn't try to make you cry or shout. It's sort of right in the middle of that. Which is kind of another reason I think it's spacey. It exists in a space you cannot really put your finger on. Moving to Mars lovefest over. [thanks footyfan10]


    I'm so disappointed with this. I've only just had my first couple of listens now, and all I can say is that if this is what LP5 is going to be like, I'm not going to be listening to the album for long. I can't quite put my finger on it - it's so different to Major Minus, and I really do like Major Minus. But MTM... Chris' vocals aren't that brilliant, when the rest of the band comes in it's really low-fi (and not good), and then it becomes so underwhelming it's not funny. And it sucks. If all of LP5 is like this, I am probably going to cry. Or at least be very depressed for a time. Because I have been waiting for this album for years. And if the songs are like this... D: [thanks HandyAndy1.36]


    MTM=INSTANT CLASSIC. It's like the old Coldplay we all know and love, yet they're still moving in a new direction, which is great! It reminds me a lot of Amsterdam with the way it starts, and then builds at the end. BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! I just wish they would've released this BEFORE ETIAW. [thanks purplemonkeyz232]


    One of my favorite Coldplay songs. Of all. It sound unique, familiar and part of me. I don't know and can't explain why. About the lyrics, I believe it fits with both MM AND ETIAW. The difference is on the approach. The first sounds like a pursuiting, some of a dictature (is this right? damn not-my-native-language thing ) that's being established. On the other hand, ETIAW is a celebration song. Like saying "We're going to win! And, even if we lose, WE'LL KEEP SINGING!!". And, even though the lyrics are a little silly in general, I like and respect ETIAW. Because they fulfill the meaning they're intended to. And then comes this FREAKING MASTERPIECE. This... Monument. MTM. That reminds me of Wall-E. Anyway. It fits the other two, like a following to MM. They escaped, at last! So now they have to fit in their new place (Mars here being a parallel to weird-and-unknown place), until they can go back to their real home. Beautifully related, beautifully played. That's what Coldplay's about. [thanks erik_avilez]


    SUCH a beautifully sad and wonderfully haunting song. Absolutely love Chris' aching low voice floating over the piano and the lingering sad undertone of both. The melody had a very Elton John meets Ozzy Osbourne's "Dreamer" vibe...in all the right ways. The best bit was the element of surprise...I don't know what song I was expecting but I don't think it was this at all. I imagine this song being on film soundtracks...maybe a Woody Allen one ;P And yes, a lovely change indeed to hear more piano again ...unlike the other great but more 'guitary' new songs we've heard so far. [thanks Lovers in NYC]


    Ok this song is gorgeous. I love how deep Chris' voice is at first, and then he moves into a higher register once the full instrumentals come in. It really shows off his range. And JONNY. Don't even get me started! He's just sounding better and better with every new song we get. I really love the lyrics too; they're really simple and lovely. To me this song sounds like the AROBTTH era mixed with X&Y, but also with enough "new" sounds to make it fit with the rest of their LP5 era songs. I can definitely see this one moving up into my most-listened-to Coldplay songs. Just lovely. [thanks Technicolor Sparks]




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