Taken from an article Travis did with The Times, Fran Healy discusses his friendship with Chris Martin:
It is, indeed, interesting to observe how different musicians internalise the pressure. In their latter years, Abba started writing songs about Russian dissidents losing their marbles while waiting for the KGB to knock on the door. The title track of Coldplay’s Viva La Vida concerns an ex-dictator looking back on the immeasurable power he enjoyed. “Exactly,” smiles Payne affectionately. “It’s like, ‘What could you possibly be alluding to there?’ ”
“When you meet Chris Martin,” says Healy, “it all makes sense. The guy doesn’t sleep.” Is that because he wants to succeed so badly? “No. I don’t necessarily think he could sleep any better beforehand. That’s just what he’s like. If you plugged him in, you could power a small Scottish town with all of his energy.”
Read the rest of the excerpt here [thanks mimixxx]
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