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    Gary Barlow's Musical War With Chris Martin

    garybarlow.jpgChris Martin and Gary Barlow have been fighting over who writes the best songs, according to online reports today. The Coldplay frontman has struck up a friendship with the Take That singer since they performed together at a charity concert in London last week, and the duo have been debating which of them is most talented.


    A source said: "It was all on jest as they've developed a surprisingly strong friendship despite being from very different pop and rock worlds. Each has racked up plenty of famous songs, but they eventually decided to call it even."


    'Back For Good' singers Take That have notched up 11 UK number one singles - including two cover versions - while Coldplay have reached the top spot just once in Britain with 'Viva La Vida'. Chris has previously spoken about his admiration for the reformed boy band and expressed his wish to tour with them.

    Writing on Coldplay's official website last year, he said: "I would open for Take That. We were in the dressing room the other day and, for whatever reason, we started singing 'Back For Good'. We sang the whole thing, word for word, with all the right chords on our piano, without having to learn it. It was great.


    "So I'd like to use the Coldplay website to announce that if Take That want us to open for them, we'll do it. The only problem is that we'll have to get down the gym for a bit!"


    Speaking of last week's charity concert involving Coldplay and Gary Barlow, you can download a LOT of pictures from that night here with more in the Coldplaying Gallery, and reviews and feedback from the gig available to read at the Coldplay Live forum [thanks Jenjie, Mimixxx, SueDeNimes, LittleMissMessy, bello-lo, scusi, crazyduckette, laura84, marianatsl, kspillers2, KissesBirds, Dejan, iriden, sophierose23 and everyone else I haven't mentioned!]



    Chris Martin and Gary Barlow, 02 Shepherd's Bush Empire, 18th February 2009

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