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    Melbourne Review 2: Coldplay prove themselves special as they rock Rod Laver Arena

    magicball7.jpgIt's easy to see why Coldplay have become the world's biggest band in less than a decade. Quite simply they've got brilliant songs and plenty of them - a knack for timeless melodies first displayed on Yellow which stretches to triumphant anthem Viva la Vida - the soundtrack to pop music in 2008. reports news.com.au.


    It's harder to see why Chris Martin has such a problem with his own band; his constant self-criticism is instantly negated by the euphoric reaction that greeted Coldplay at last night's Rod Laver Arena show. Martin seemingly finds it harder to embrace his band than the fans do - introducing them as one of England's premiere soft rock bands, last night. Whatever.


    Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends pulled off a rare trick - experimental but accessible and also last year's highest-selling album worldwide. After boring themselves with the bloated autopilot stadium rock of previous release X&Y, accordingly their latest tour is a deliberately intimate show in a not-so-intimate venue.


    Read the full Melbourne review at the Coldplay Live forum here [thanks mimixxx]

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