Official hashtag - #X10Y
Coldplay have always had a fondness for Los Angeles and choosing the City Of Angels in North America to kick off the X&Y era was a perfect base for their impending U.S. domination....
Warning sign – You are embarking on a trip, back to 10 years ago, when Coldplay performed their first gig of the X&Y era
During the 60 minute secret show in Troubadour, located in Los Angeles, the band played four new songs, including opener “Square One”, “White Shadows”, and piano ballad “What If”.
They also played a host of their biggest chart hits including “In My Place” and “Clocks”, ending with a crowd singalong of “Yellow”.
At the start of the gig the band looked nervous, but by second song “In My Place” all four members were grinning at each other and looked glad to be back.
Singer Chris Martin said:
Martin was referring to the fact that although tickets for the gig were made available at 5pm from the venue on the day, the news leaked, meaning some fans were at the venue, waiting outside in the California sunshine from 8.30am to ensure their place.
The show comes as the band ease themselves into playing again after a recording break of about 18 months. Last week the group did an open rehearsal for 40 friends and fans, and are also planning a top secret club gig in the UK in June to precede their massive arena dates.
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