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    Atlas: Exploding through the iTunes charts in 18 countries and counting... (reviews part 3)

    This is our third installment of fan reviews of Coldplay's new song Atlas, released on Friday (6th September). On the day that Coldplay's official Twitter account announced No.1 positions for Atlas on eighteen iTunes charts around the world, read on for another eighteen Coldplayer mini-reviews of the track!A reminder also that since yesterday, we have had new content available in the Atlas sub-forum such as gifs, banners, and pictures, new song covers (various videos), a whole host of new media/external reviews of the new song, and the outcome now of over 600 votes cast on the song in the last 24 hours.[poll id=2]

    Atlas has now reached Number 1 on iTunes in 18 countries! Amazing. Thanks everyone. http://t.co/UmOemDlLMN A pic.twitter.com/Lp2r65tXBi

    — Coldplay (@coldplay) September 7, 2013
    Latest forum poll results: what you thought of the new song, Atlas:20130905Atlaspollresults1d.pngYet more new Coldplayer reviews of the new song, Atlas:Not bad. a step up from recent stuff. intro is best part though i can't make out the words at certain points and wish the lyrics were a bit better (i knew they were simple when they were first revealed tho). I will give it a solid 7, i liked it and probably would listen again. the singing style seems to hark back more to AROBTTH stuff, don't know where people are getting X&Y from. [thanks Cobalt]All I can say so far: Ohhh my gooood Jonnyboy! They really saved the best for last!! I like the old vibes of Coldplay! Hope to seeing more of this on LP6. MX was amazing, but still "just" an era. But I don't like: the first 30 seconds, the lyrics, kind of, at least the verses. But what I do like in the lyrics, is the chorus - specially the second one. I can imagine myself in a couple of months among all of you standing first row singing "carry your woooooooooooorld I'll carry your wooooooorld" reaching our hands out to those men. [thanks LINNEAH]Subtlety! Darkness! Dynamics! Not an annoying chorus, generic hook or wildly inappropriate guest spot in sight! Welcome back, Coldplay. Damn, this is addictive. [thanks Famous Old Painter]The more i listen to it, the more i like it. it certainly wouldn't be my favorite song in the context of all of Coldplay's previous work, but as a song intended for a film soundtrack i think it works perfectly. definitely a Hunger Games vibe going on. [thanks coldplayisawesome]After first listening thought it's brilliant track for OST, but miss some craft to be great standalone Coldplay work. But after a couple listenings more I think it's absolutely focking great song - although Chris vocal a bit dry and off, the music is wonderful beauty our band knows how to extract - amazing soft melody (X&Y), piano (Parachutes) and final guitar reef (something from MX), extremely touching and absorbing. I would say that Coldplay one of the rare bands nowadays that built strong emotional connection with listeners. Fuck, can't wait for LP6! [thanks Odvan]I'm not really too keen on Chris' singing in this I'm afraid. I like that he's singing lower but I'm not fond of the vocal melody. It sounds hastily written to me. Also the piano in the beginning sounds a bit unfinished, it reminds me a bit of those Viva demos. However, I really like it from "I'm about to explode" onwards! Instrumentally it's very nice, and the climax with the guitar solo is very good. The chorus is nice, if a bit repetitive but hey, at least it's not "Para-Para-Paradise, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh" right? [thanks James.]This is not from any Coldplay era. this song is brilliant, but not reminiscent of anything they've done before. I read earlier someone hinted at "Ordinary World" and I agree with that comparison. LP6, if this is any indication will be brilliant - mature sound, the guitar note during the verses, I liked it! [thanks w1ll1am7]I love the sober/melancholic sound with the more uplifting and heavenly chorus. The singing in the verses does sound kinda dry, but I think that it sounds really great in the first verse, taking you back to the older more acoustic songs. I love that simple beginning. Just his voice with piano is a always a golden combination. Have listened to it many times now, still think that moving to mars and us against the world are better songs, melody wise, but overall it's a very nice song, the chorus is quite simple, but the uplifting feeling from the music is strong. And I'm glad it's not that overproduced like many of the MX songs. I hope they're planning to go for a bit darker and deeper sound, like moving to mars. I give it an 8. [thanks drawingyourattention]I really liked it, I don't love it though. The chorus seems a bit unfinished with just "carry your world" over and over. The melody is gorgeus, the background synths and guitar gave it an awsome space feeling and the tack piano at the end is beautiful. It's sound somewhere between Death And All His Friends and Paradise wich is great. So yeah, an 8/10, really good, but not a Coldplay classic. [thanks Prospector]This song will be a grower for me. I've heard better from them. But it does seem to fit well with the themes of the movie. I like the chorus the most. I'm not too fond of the electric snare drum. I just feel like everyone is doing that whole snare drum sound now a days an seems unoriginal. I loved Johnny's solo at the end, but with certain songs, it sort of gets washed away in the production and you can't hear it clearly. I know my opinion will probably change after many listens, as it does with some of the boys songs I don't like right away. I think that's one of the reason why I love this band! [thanks IneedYou23]The verses are lovely, particularly the piano accompaniment. The first half of the song is a "return to the roots" in the strictest sense--it recalls songs like "For You" and "Harmless" (although admittedly with touches of newer material like "Prospekt's March" and "Christmas Lights"). But the chorus is boring and flat, particularly given the expectations that necessarily build with the word "explode." And we might ask where the rest of the band is. We get a bit of "Fix You"-esque drumming and sparkling guitar toward the end, but it mostly feels like an afterthought. 5/10. Not bad. [thanks MasoKnight]Nothing new here I am sorry to say. Parts of it sound like stuff they could have chosen not to used in from arobth parts pretty dated. it also sounds samey on the point of view if you imangned how they could preform live it another turn wheras the crowd do most of the work.. with repeated and echoed chorases . whoevver paid coldplay the video producer have been short changed here. 5/10 [thanks bart]Despite its too simple end rhymes and repetitive chorus line (seriously, Chris?), I find Atlas to be an eloquent, dark, hopeful song very much suitable for Catching Fire, which I'm looking forward to watching on the big screen. The progression of the song with its bleak piano going into Jonny's guitar and the full instrumentation is wonderful. I get many associations to both Prospekt's March (track), Moving to Mars, X&Y (album) and Mylo Xyloto. Lyrically, Chris has done and can do a lot better, which is my problem with this song. I have yet to rate it but I might land on a 6. I feel torn whether to rate it as a Coldplay song or a song in general. Good to hear from the boys again. [thanks Clocks In My Place]A breath of fresh air IMO — I think it'll fit really well with the film. I like the mix of old and new; there's definetly some AROBTTH in there but some of the background parts sound like something of VLVODAAHF or MX. I like that. It's better than I expected and I have pre-ordered it from iTunes. [thanks IcingOnTheCake]Personally, I think this song is their best work in years. Perhaps all the way back to the AROBTTH era. It's got a lot of the "old school" elements people always complain are lacking in their more recent work. Plus, it's just a damn beautiful song. The only (very minor) gripe I have is that the ending of the track does feel a bit abrupt. I've got to say, while I've never been in the camp that thinks the band has had a sharp decline in quality over the last couple albums, the more I listen to this song, the more I find that my opinion of a lot of their more recent work may actually end up going down somewhat. This song brings back things I didn't even realize I missed in this band! [thanks fakfak]I love it! I love the piano throughout the song. I love how the song builds up. It was a nice change from MX. Even though I do love MX, I miss the Coldplay from the AROBTTH era that used more piano in it. So I liked that this felt like AROBTTH era-esque with an interesting twist. I'm listening to it on repeat and can't wait to hear this in the cinema so I can be surrounded by the sound of it. [thanks anacaren08]I was kind of so-so on Atlas at first but after listening to it, it's definitely growing on me. Despite it being similar to other Coldplay material, it's still very, very different. It simply has this very different feel to it. It's starting to make sense. If LP6 sounded like this, I'd be a happy Coldplay fan. [thanks Coldplayfan1294]For me, the song isn't about the lyrics. I have not read any of the books and have not seen the film, so not sure what the references are. It is a song from a movie, so it must have something to do with it. For me, the song is about the music. Chris knows how to do more with melody and mood than almost anyone and the band is brilliant at orchestrating the music together (I listen to Sleeping Sun on headphones and get overwhelmed by how wonderful it is every time). It is gorgeous. 10/10. [thanks kittybitty]What we are all talking about...

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