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    Canada: Coldplay win 'International album of the year' at 2009 Juno Awards

    junologo.gifColdplay last night won the International Album of the Year award at Canada's JUNO Awards. The band won the same gong - the only international category at the JUNOs - for X&Y in 2006.


    Other winners included eight-time Juno winner Sarah McLachlan who was honored with the 2009 Allan Waters Humanitarian Award, recognizing her contributions to a range of charities and organizations in both Canada and abroad. Montreal indie rockers The Stills saw double in Vancouver, picking up the best new group and best alternative album Juno Awards,Canada's top music honors, for their 2008 album "Oceans Will Rise."


    The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Science (CARAS) handed out 32 Junos at the non-televised warm-up, attended by 1,200 music artists and industry folk. The remaining seven top awards will be given out during Sunday's primetime broadcast (CTV, 6 p.m. PST), hosted by comedian Russell Peters.


    More on Coldplay's win at the Coldplay forum here [thanks mimixxx]

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