Coldplay frontman Chris Martin might have lost the day job — thanks to rock legend Brian Eno [pictured].
Chris told fans at a lunchtime gig yesterday: “The rest of the band are in the studio. Brian Eno has been producing our music — which is why we’ve got better. “He wrote to us and said he thought the last album was OK but it could have been better. He said he still wanted to work with us but I was banned from the studio! He said it would be better without me for the first two weeks — ‘You can do better without the singer!’”
I don’t think Chris needs to go busking just yet. But he worked up a right sweat singing hits including The Scientist and Violet Hill in the Absolute Radio Zoo. DJ Christian O'Connell joked: “We’ve got a lunchbox for you. Do you want a Capri Sun?”
Chris replied: “I’m more an Um Bongo man.”
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