Coldplay and Oxfam will team up to make a new crowd-sourced video for an acoustic version of the track 'In My Place' that will be part of a campaign to raise land grab awareness, according to NME tonight. More discussion on this is at the Coldplay forum now [thanks Tash]
Land grabbing is the practice of banks, individuals or governments buying huge plots of land in poor countries for profit, which is damaging to those who live there, who can end up without a home or livelihood. The video seeks to highlight this issue by showing the sense of being out of place.
Coldplayers will be asked to submit video or photo footage by March 20th for the chance to be included in the video. Coldplay’s music video and film director Mat Whitecross will stitch the best of the footage together to make the final cut. People are being asked to move something favourite, personal or familiar from their home to somewhere it doesn’t belong. Alternatively, they could do something personal, everyday, familiar that they’d usually do at home, in totally the wrong place.
The video will launch in April when The World Bank has its Annual Spring Meeting and aims to encourage people to take action and try. A reminder of the original In My Place video from 2002...
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