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    Coldplay Get Hot About Fair Trade

    chrisemily.jpgChris Martin got heated about equitable trade ahead of a Paris gig on Thursday, telling journalists that it was an issue about which "everybody should be concerned. We live on the same planet as everybody else.... It will affect all of us, whether you are Coldplay or Jacques Chirac," he said.


    Chris, who has taken his 'Make Trade Fair' campaign on the road with him wherever Coldplay play, said a January trip to Ghana reinforced his frustration with the protectionism of rich countries.


    "I talked with a farmer who couldn't sell what he was growing because the market is saturated. He was my age, but our experiences are totally different just because of our geographical origin. I could have been him and he could have been me," he said.Coldplay was to give a concert hours later that was to present its latest album, 'X&Y' — the back cover of which brings up the 'Make Trade Fair' message while the accompanying booklet contains references to organisations such as Greenpeace and Oxfam.


    Source: iAfrica

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