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    Coldplay Live Review - Asia World Arena, Hong Kong (25th March 2009)

    Coldplay played the Asia World Arena this evening as their Viva La Vida tour continues into Hong Kong. The setlist was the same as the previous concert in Singapore...


    [discussion] [photos] [videos] [wiki reviews/setlist] (updated over the next 24 hours)


    Setlist: [thanks Eyelime]


    Life In Technicolor

    Violet Hill


    In My Place


    Glass Of Water

    Cemeteries Of London


    Fix You

    Strawberry Swing

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

    Talk (techno version)

    The Hardest Part (Chris piano, Will)

    Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

    Viva La Vida


    Speed Of Sound (acoustic)

    Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will vocals)

    I'm A Believer (Neil Diamond Cover - acoustic)

    Viva La Vida (remix interlude including Coldwave)



    Lovers In Japan

    Death And All His Friends


    The Scientist

    Life in Technicolor ii

    The Escapist (outro)


    Just come home! I'm really tired now, jumping, screaming.... It was awesome! The pics I took was not so good, but I have some nice videos! I was on the 4th row, and when Chris came close, I was only 2 meters away from him! Most interesting thing was Chris asked Jonny to sing in front of 11000 strangers! My mind is still "Viva-ing"! [thanks lhmvic]


    I have been singing/screaming/dancing for 2 hours straight, but I just keep going on this rush of adrenalin! The setlist was the same as Singapore ... Life in Technicolor gave me shivers, Chris Martin singing acoustic version of the Hardest Part made me cry, Viva la Vida with the whole crowd backing up was amazing, Lovers in Japan with all the konfetti coming from the ceiling was spectacular and The Scientist as the second-last was moving, beautiful and perfect. They played the best version of God Put a Smile Upon Your Face I've ever heard. Sort of dance-style, improvisation, really really really cool! I loved when they moved into the crowd and placed themselves on a small stage in the back performing Green Eyes, and WILL singing solo (can't remember what song ... i'm getting all confused now, sorry). I loved it when Chris kept excusing his British accent to the people that didn't speak English ... only thing is, HK is pretty international. I wish I could remember everything he said, cause he was really funny! Anyone remember? Ohhh... and the best part was ... WHEN I TOUCHED WILL, GUY, JOHNNY AND CHRIS!! One feet away from me. Seriously the craziest, best moment of my life. [thanks Eyelime]


    More on this concert including reviews, videos and pictures here onwards.

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