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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA (16th July 2009)

    Coldplay's Viva La Vida tour continued on the West Coast last night as they played at the Wireless Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA, the third in a series of five consecutive Californian shows (not including the 'not-so-secret' show on the 19th at Capitol Records!). All quiet once again from the puppets, Guy and Roadie #42. No major changes to the normal arena setlist except that Billie Jean replaced I'm A Believer in the acoustic set again, and Sitting on the Dock of the Bay was added to Will's acoustic slot.


    [discussion] [photos] [videos] [wiki reviews/setlist] (updated over the next 24-48 hours)




    Life In Technicolor

    Violet Hill


    In My Place


    Glass Of Water

    Cemeteries Of London


    Fix You

    Strawberry Swing

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

    Talk (techno version)

    The Hardest Part (Chris piano)

    Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

    Viva La Vida


    Green Eyes (acoustic)

    Sitting on the Dock of the Bay / Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic, sung by Will)

    Billie Jean

    Viva La Vida (remix interlude)



    Lovers In Japan

    Death And All His Friends


    The Scientist

    Life in Technicolor ii

    The Escapist (outro)


    Picture by dsmitch


    Ok boys and girls i have returned from the concert but i wont post pics and vids till tomorrow bc i am EXHAUSTED!!! i had been in line since 130 and have been standing in that sun and in the FIRST ROW of the pit all day and night so im hitting the sack dreaming of how awesome tonight was...BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT I could EVER ask for...Hope everyone gets back safe and Ill be back tomorrow with pics and vids for you all to enjoy!!! [thanks jcmojica23]


    what an amazing concert!!! I got home like 30 mins ago... There was so much traffic but very worth it!!! I took a lot of pics and videos... I will post them up later!!!!!!!! btw for those that were in the pit... I wonder if you saw a girl with a neon orange poster.. haha if so that was me!!!! it was the best feeling having them looking at me awwwwww!!! [thanks coldplay#1]


    I just got back. Getting out of that parking lot was ridiculous!!!! there were only a few ways out of it. It took us an hour to get out, and most of the time we were sat with our car off. One plus side... a guy came around asking us to play "How many people can we fit in a Toyota Prius?" The answer was 15, but we would have done more if it wasn't for the people on the bottom in pain. The show was great. I was in section 302. The view was pretty good, and it wasn't as far away as i thought it might be. Best song of the night: Lovers in Japan. It's just so great live. The B-stage tonight was behind the 100's section... not on one of the ramps. Have they been doing this recently? [thanks milesahead89]


    Got home from this show a little while ago. SO GOOD!!! Everything was beautiful, as usual. At the end of the show, the girl two seats over from me turned to me and said, "Wow! You knew EVERY word to EVERY song!" I don't get why you'd pay over $100 to see a band when you don't know every word to every song and they haven't been your favorite band going on 9 years now. Sometimes it's hard when your favorite band in the world also happens to be one of the biggest bands in the world. [thanks feathers]


    The concert ended hours ago and I am still on a high from it!I got to the venue at noon and lined up, there were about 10 people in front of me. I ended up being in the front row toward the left. I still can't believe I was that close I just can't even describe what that felt like. I got a bunch of great pictures and video but cannot post them until I get back home to Vegas next week. So more to come... [thanks l0wxo2]

    The show was AWESOME, as usual. But this time I got to spend it being in the front row...6and a half hours was so so worth it Being in the front and having Coldplay right in front of you was the best! Words cant even describe how happy and amazing it was to see my favorite band up close like that. Definitely the best day of my life The band was so full of energy and it spread through the entire audience, it was great! I met some coldplayers there and they had pit tix so we stood next to each other. At the end I got a set list from this camera guy My voice is pretty much non exsistant and my face and neck are pretty sun burned...but hey, anything for Coldplay! [thanks Jsalyers]


    I must confess that I am really not that into Coldplay, but I have to admit that last night was one amazing and unforgettable show. The band gets extra points because of fan service: The set list consisted mainly of fan favorites and I can say that I had heard most of the songs, although I’ve read that it was basically the same set list from other shows in their continuing Viva La Vida Tour. For a moment, the band left the main stage and walked to a mini stage that was located in the middle right rows of the venue and played a couple of songs among the crowd. I thought that was very cool. But then, later on, they walked to ANOTHER mini stage in the Lawn Area way in the back of the venue (you know, the Mexican Section of the Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre) and it was right where we were standing!!! It was insane! They played 3 acoustic songs in that mini stage, including a cover of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” and we were right there with the band! I had never experienced anything like that at any other concert I’ve been to. Other artists should take note of what this band does for their fans. There was a funny moment earlier in the show where lead singer Chris Martin fucked up in the first verse of “Yellow” and said that drummer Will Champion had given him an ugly look. He then had the audience sing along an “I am sorry Will” song for him. Before the show ended, Martin acknowledged the opening acts Amadou & Mariam, and Kitty Daisy & Lewis. He then said that the audience would receive a free single CD of their song “Left Right Left Right Left” (which you can also download from the official Coldplay website), and we did, when we left the venue. [http://darthisma.blogspot.com]


    More on this concert including reviews, videos, pictures and tweets here onwards.


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