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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - Hannover Stadium, Hannover, Germany (25th August 2009)

    Coldplay's Viva La Vida tour continued through into Germany last night as they played at the Hannover Stadium in Hannover. Roadie #42 was back tweeting again before the show, from the pre-flight boarding lounge to the stadium stage itself - see those pictures and captions after the jump. Speed Of Sound was again omitted from the setlist, and Death Will Never Conquer returned in place of Til Kingdom Come and was sung by Will Champion on the acoustic stage. The curtain fell after they played LIfe In Technicolor burying half of the band underneath and Chris had to stop singing Violet Hill.


    [discussion] [photos] [videos] [wiki reviews/setlist] (updated over the next 24-48 hours)




    Life In Technicolor

    Violet Hill


    In My Place


    Glass Of Water

    Cemeteries Of London


    Fix You

    Strawberry Swing

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

    Talk (techno version)

    The Hardest Part (Chris piano)

    Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

    Viva La Vida


    Green Eyes

    Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic, sung by Will) new81.gif

    Billie Jean

    Viva La Vida (remix interlude)



    Lovers In Japan

    Death And All His Friends


    The Scientist

    Life in Technicolor ii

    The Escapist (outro)


    Picture: Coldplay Twitter


    I'm back from the concert ................. it was amazing!!! I was here with Oxfam and we had a really great time. Pete from Oxfam told me I'm such a big fan and gave me his setlist and I was so spechless in this moment. I startet crying and all I could say to him was "Thanks, thanks thanks!" Daniel (another supporter) and I came into the inner circle near the stage B and we had a fantastic concert. Now I'm really tired, I'll sleep 5 hours and then back at home [thanks aniskywalker]


    Okay, back home everyone. I am really horrible doing reviews so I better don't do it. Funny thing, when the curtain was supposed to come down after LIT, it burried half of the band underneath and Chris had to stop singing Violet Hill. Can't figure out exactly but I reckon he was kind of 'pissed', well at least he was annoyed about it as he kept saying sorry for the 'technical problems' on and on. Guy looked simply AMAZING!!! Sorry, have to mention it as his 'longer' hair makes him look sooo much better and more relaxed and less skinny. About the setlist ... yes, it was exactly the same as Stockholm but people around us were absolutely impressed by the 'cellphone wave' and CP performing 'Billie Jean', so many of them still were kind of 'surprised'. Also about the C-Stage, people at the back really freaked and starting singing the VLV 'Whoooaas' when they noticed that the band came running their way and climbed the little stage for the accoustic set.

    They did Chinese Sleep Chant and White Shadows for soundcheck 'cause we were standing near the stage entrance and could hear Guy singing (during CSC).

    Funnily we were the only two people there. And when the band drove past us while arriving at the AWD Arena two of them waved at us (tinted windows SUCK BIG TIME!!!) and I guess we've figured out that it was Will & Guy. Not sure though but one of them was certainly Will [thanks LittleMissMessy]


    I`m back from the concert in Hannover,before the concert, the killians and whrite lies were the opening act, they were absolutely brilliant i think, just great! both Albums are great but live they were even better, fu** great!!!It was raining at the beginning., the show was almost sold out, just a few free places. before the show started, the band played U2, JayZ,BlockParty and a "Wiener Walzer". At the beginning the curtain fell over chris, then he claimed about the collaboration with the crowed...and after than something was wrong with the technic and he leaves the stage for 3 minutes, the other guys from the band were wondering...but chris apologized for it and then the concert gets better and better.It was a amazing show but I can`t close ones again without to mention that the german crowed missed every entry...thats sad! in munich it was fantastic but hannover didn`t jump at all and didn´t sing often. ok I`m very tied...sorry for my bad english...I tell you after the very bad beginning of the concert I was afraid...even I saw the faces of the other band members when chris left the stage...they were nervous and a little bit angry and supriesed when chris left the stage but in the course of the show they played better and in the end it was a great gig...it was also funny to see the curtain fell on chris! [thanks [email protected]]


    Just arrived at my home near Bremen again! Although they've not been any surprises regarding the setlist I must admit it was an amazing show! My 4th Coldplay show and probably the best one personally. Especially because it was an amazing stadium, the band was in a good mood and the audience was beyong incredible (far better than in Hamburg and Berlin last year). Mercifully it was only raining while the first band (Kilians) was playing who were amazing I think. I didn't like White Lies though... They had some funny problems here and there like the curtain which was supposed to come down or some mistakes with their screens at the beginning. Chris apologised a lot during the show and he also left the stage for about 3 minutes before Fix You. Nevertheless I was extremely content with the concert. Chris also sang "Glas aus Wasser" at the end of "Glass of water" hehe. My train journey back to Bremen was also funny. Someone with a yellow Coldplay rain coat obviously blocked the door when the train wanted to start (I hope it was noone from here). Suddenly the angry driver said something like: "Hey you in the yellow coat! The Coldplay show is over! You've had your buzz! Move your ass back from the door now otherwise I will kick you out of the train and you can sleep at Hannover main station." German Railways at its best! [thanks Larry]


    More on this concert including reviews, videos, pictures and tweets here onwards.

    Roadie #42 Tweets:



    It'll dry up folks. Promise. R#42



    One of these cables is not plugged into the right place. Can you tell which one it is? R#42



    Crikey. The punters are already in. Where does the time go? R#42



    The stage scrubs up alright in the big spaces. R#42



    Sitting waiting for flight. Guy is wondering who exactly reads this magazine? R#42


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