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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - Sleep Train Amphitheater, Sacramento, CA (14th July 2009)

    Coldplay's Viva La Vida tour continued on the West Coast last night as they played at the Sleep Train Amphitheater, Sacramento, CA, the second in a series of five consecutive Californian shows (not including the 'not-so-secret' show on the 19th at Capitol Records!). All quiet from the puppets, Guy and Roadie #42. No major changes to the normal arena setlist except that Billie Jean replaced I'm A Believer in the acoustic set again, and Sitting on the Dock of the Bay was added to Will's acoustic slot.


    [discussion] [photos] [videos] [wiki reviews/setlist] (updated over the next 24-48 hours)


    Setlist: (unconfirmed)


    Life In Technicolor

    Violet Hill


    In My Place


    Glass Of Water

    Cemeteries Of London


    Fix You

    Strawberry Swing

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

    Talk (techno version)

    The Hardest Part (Chris piano)

    Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

    Viva La Vida


    Green Eyes (acoustic)

    Sitting on the Dock of the Bay / Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic, sung by Will)

    Billie Jean

    Viva La Vida (remix interlude)



    Lovers In Japan

    Death And All His Friends


    The Scientist

    Life in Technicolor ii

    The Escapist (outro)


    Picture by jrodcarillo


    Hey everyone, I just got back from the show and it was EPIC. The set list was the same. First off, I had Pit tickets but when we got there they had seats and took our Pit tickets and gave us random rows to sit in so I got row 12, well I was livid because I was like the fourth person in line and felt like I would have been front row so I talked to a LiveNation man and he said he would talk to his supervisor so finally I decided to go to the bathroom and I took my ticket with me and this other lady who was handing out tickets I told her the situation and she was like "I have row 5" I was like I will take it! So I go to the bathroom and come back to my seat and they escorted me right NEXT to the cat walk and it was really row 3 on Guy's side!! I was freaking out. I was less than a foot away from Chris on the catwalk! The crowd was fabulous and a lot better than last night in my opinion! When Chris looked at me I freaked out because I couldn't believe I was right next to him. [thanks ColdplayRulesTheWorld]


    I went to both concerts and I agree that tonight' s crowd was much better. I don't know if it's because I had almost perfect seats tonight, but it seems that Chris gave a much better show tonight. He seemed more like I expected him to be tonight, from the great clips I've seen of his performances on Youtube. He even seemed to sing right on key, as he usually does, and his dancing was especially good. I wonder where he gets the energy. He is in great shape to go non-stop as he does for 2 hours. This concert was definitely worth the 120 miles I drove each way for my friend and me to go. It was simply an unforgettable experience.

    [thanks starfish42]


    More on this concert including reviews, videos, pictures and tweets here onwards.


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