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    Coldplay Live Reviews, Photos and Setlist - Amex Unstaged concert, Madrid (26th October 2011)

    Coldplay returned to Europe last night as they performed at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas for the Amex Unstaged concert, in Madrid (26th October 2011). Coldplay, due to top the charts with new album Mylo Xyloto this weekend, launched their latest release with an outdoor show at Madrid's premier bull ring. As fans at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas arena came under a hail of ticker tape, balloons and heavy rain showers, frontman Chris Martin told them: "We have the best fans in the world no question."


    Photographer and film-maker Anton Corbijn directed the show, which was broadcast live on YouTube. Fans wore illuminated LED wristbands, filling the venue with flashing lights. The band launched the album in Europe with a press conference in the city but will return home for a 1500 capacity show in Norwich tonight.


    Chris did some spray painting to the stage with cans of spraypaint during the show as he wrote "Madrid". The show was streamed on YouTube at the ColdplayVEVO channel and is being repeated at that channel regularly. Keep an eye on the Multimedia forum at the messageboard for downloads of the transmission. Some excellent photos from the concert are already available courtesy of excessif312 @ Flickr. And a huge review from Jason DeBord includes masses of pictures.


    More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum (reviews start around page 85 onwards). Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20111026exe6a.pngSetlist (confirmed):


    Mylo Xyloto

    Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus


    The Scientist

    Violet Hill

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face


    Up In Flames

    'Til Kingdom Come


    Viva La Vida

    Charlie Brown

    Life Is For Living



    Fix You (Amy Winehouse - Rehab cover intro)

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    Photo courtesy of excessif312 @ Flickr


    I came all the way from California for this show, and had high expectations, and came away just absolutely thrilled - thought it was a fantastic show (muy bueno!). Coolest venue ever. Now, the "Hidden Gigs" from last December were incredible because of their small and intimate nature - this show was spectacular by the gravitas of the venue. Just awesome. I only found one other Coldplaying member (photo of her and her friend at the bottom - I'll let her identify herself if she'd like!), as I had almost no Internet connectivity, but really enjoyed chatting with her before and after the show. The sound I think was the best I'd heard at a Coldplay show - not sure if they had different rented (local) gear in addition to their own or it was the acoustics of the venue or what, but it was awesome. Loved the show itself. I am a huge Anton Corbijn fan, so not having seen the broadcast product yet, I can't comment on that aspect. There was a really cool "flying" video cam up top on wires that could basically capture anything in the arena (posted a pic below). Would have liked more of his influence in the visuals (a la the Depeche Mode 'Devotional' film and tour), but I know they didn't have as much lead up time for this show. I thought the set list was great. Of course, Coldplay always leave you wanting more... but that's a tribute to how many great songs they have. I wished, from the new album, they'd done "Up With the Birds" and "Princess of China". But you can't have everything. Anyway, I'm sure everyone here watched it themsevles, so I'll just post some still pics I took below... Oh, and the "Premium Golden Ticket" was actually more more than I was expecting, compared with the VIP tickets I got for the UCLA/MusicCares gig... they had a cool room set up with free drinks and finger foods, and they let you take funny pics that you are supposed to be able to download with a code on the laminate/lanyard (haven't looked for them yet). The light up bracelets were really cool in the show... I got a few of those but gave the extras to some other fans in other sections that didn't have them, and just kept one for myself. Also got one of the beach balls. And one other really, really, really cool thing was gifted to me. Oh, and it did rain - I thought it was a cool, environmentally-friendly effect. [thanks Jason-DeBord]

    This was really great, awesome. The crowd, some improvisations from Jonny, little mistakes (I like them), the weather, Up In Flames, Till Kingdome Come the way they played it in the Twisted Logic tour, the X-stage (dont know how to call it) and the fireworks who didnt look to go well haha. And the Ole-part from Chris was great! For a moment I was expecting Don Quixote! I think it was a great show and I can't wait to see them here in Holland! [thanks sjors93]


    Well, this was pretty awesome, as usual. Slightly disappointed with the setlist though. I like the new stage. I loved Up In Flames, Violet Hill, 'Til Kingdom Come... Great to see that one back. And God Put A Smile is still so, so good. Funny when Chris went 'I'm gonna trow mah guitah herrreee.' I had hoped to see more of Anton, but at least the pre-show video was really cool. And Guy's silly walk was hilarious. Edit: Can't wait to see Chris spraying 'ROTTERDAM' on that screen! [thanks Blue Nails]


    I think it's normal they didn't play a lot of MX songs. Most people have only been listening to it since Monday/Tuesday in Spain so the crowd didn't know the new songs yet. And since it was broadcasted worldwide, and probably recorded for a DVD or something, I guess they didn't want to risk it too much. I would like to hear new songs at Norwich, though. [thanks isrlns]


    I was a bit disappointed actually. I really thought they would add more new songs. They even skipped UATW! I really love Til Kingdom Come, but why play an oldie like that when you have a new record with a track like UATW? I still think the setlist is too short for a proper concert. How long did they play? 75 minutes, 80 minutes max? Thats way too short for a band like Coldplay. During the festival gigs it's explainable, but not for a real concert for the real fans. And I think I've seen too many shows this year so far because there aren't really any surprises left for me during the gig. I know when Chris finishes Politik he's gonna play a Viva intro on the piano and when the crowd recognizes is as VLV the song starts. I know when In My Place is finished Chris is going to talk to the crowd in their language and excusing himself 'because his [put in language of the country] is fucking terrible'. And why still play the Amy tribute? And so on. I was really happy with the atmosphere though. The venue looked amazing and Anton Corbijn did an excellent job. Some shots (especially aerial shots) were amazing. I also laughed when Chris smashed down his guitar after GPASUYF.

    Conclusion: an average Coldplay concert, with a bit more mistakes than we're used to actually. I'm really hoping for a new setlist for the coming European tour, because there is just no surprise left for me. And it has to be longer, come on guys, you're not playing festival gigs anymore! [thanks R23]


    I was so excited for this, even asked my painting instructor to stream it live on the projector screen during class, which he did, but then felt disappointed as it reminded me of VLV tour with a few new songs thrown in. I preferred the setlist at the beginning of summer when they had Shiver and Everything's Not Lost in there. I rather they go way back to Parachutes and RBTTH than just back to VLV for retro songs. I am so over hearing Lost and Violet Hill and VLV for that matter. I know they won't drop VLV, but drop the other two please. [thanks Yeshe]


    I only watched about 7 or 8 songs but I can see already that Chris was little over excited, the vocals weren't great, a little painful at times. Granted, they were having fun, which is great to see. The audience was phenomenal and the venue was spectacular and unique. Like someone else said earlier, perhaps we've been spoiled since we've seen EVERY festival and live performance in 4 months so nothing is a surprise to us. It would be great for them to mix things up a bit. I do hope that the official tour will be slightly different as I feel like I've seen it all. The setlist did seem a bit short, but was still okay. I was front row here in Toronto for their gig at Much Music in September and I felt the performance was super solid...maybe they're just getting tired and need a bit of a break. [thanks Taliaa]


    Very satisfying setlist for any fans and Chris had a lot of energy. I like all the songs they played but I wish they had played more of the new songs like Don't Let It Break Your Heart and Up With The Birds. Also, whose idea was it to remove Us Against The World from the setlist? Fire him now ! After 5 great albums, Coldplay's catalog is now full of hit songs. They need to "let go" of some of their favorites and make room for the new ones per example Violet Hill and In My Place (and I really love those songs). This will be the MX Tour so please make it about the new songs. Or they can just play a 120 minutes long show (I have no problem with that). [thanks macky]


    More Coldplayer reviews to follow...


    New photos of Coldplay @ Amex Unstaged concert, Madrid (26th October 2011):














    More photos available via excessif312 @ Flickr now.



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