More questions answered by The Oracle... (submit yours now!)
August 14, 2009 - submitted by Mat, United States of America
Q. I've been listening to LeftRightLeftRightLeft and Chris keeps prompting "Jake" to play guitar. Is this Jonny Buckland? Or a new member who we have not heard of yet?? (If it is Jonny, what happened to "Jonny boy"?) Thanks!
The Oracle replies:
It is Jonny but he was saying J not Jake. He still refers to him as Jonny Boy too.
August 14, 2009 - submitted by Gabriella, Guatemala
Q. Dear Oracle, I really need to know... the song For You, was it ever dedicated to someone?
The Oracle replies:
The title suggests that 'You' was someone in particular but no, the song was never dedicated to a specific someone.
August 14, 2009 - submitted by Ishii, United States of America
Q. I saw the 60 minutes episode on Coldplay and one of the rules Chris talks about how no album can have more than 9 songs. X&Y has 13! What's up with that?
The Oracle replies:
That interview was recorded long after X&Y and in fact Viva la Vida was already out so Chris was referring to future albums. Watch this space; everything is always subject to change.
August 13, 2009 - submitted by Mackenzie, United States of America
Q. Dearest Oracle, I've been laughing at Coldplay's alter-ego band, the Nappies, video on the timeline and I was wondering who the fifth person was with the red curly wig?
The Oracle replies:
You may have seen me mention Dan Green on here a couple of times? He's the sound man and also the mysterious red wig wearer. If anyone hasn't seen the Nappies video yet, head to our timeline and click 2004 and then select May...
August 13, 2009 - submitted by Gerardo, Mexico
Q. Dear all knowing Oracle, Who got to sing more songs in The Beatles, was is it Paul or John?
You know that with The Beatles whoever is singing lead in the song, generally wrote it? They were obviously well-known as a song writing duo but it would be too close to call over their entire catalogue. To be honest it was pretty even given that they both not only sang lead but also harmonies. Towards the latter end of their career Paul sang lead on the most songs though.
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