More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 2380 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
December 1, 2011 - submitted by Shunit, Israel
Q. So I this dream a few days ago, I was at a Coldplay concert, and suddenly for the last song of the concert Chris asked the audience if there was anyone who wanted to sing along with them on stage. Of course he selected me, and so we sang together Princess of China (I sang the parts of Rihanna). No need to say I sounded great... Did Coldplay ever do this kind of thing in their concerts? Is there a possibility for it to happen?
The Oracle replies:
Ha, that sounds like the kind of daydream I have. No, the band don't do that. I know a singer who did (and may still) so maybe if you go to see
November 30, 2011 - submitted by Ken, United Kingdom
Q. Will the band ever return to places that are so famous to Coldplay fans? Like Durdle Door or Studland beach? Just to reminisce? Thanks :)
The Oracle replies:
There's no need to as they have the memory - and the videos - if they wish to reminisce.
December 1, 2011 - submitted by Nicol, United States of America
Q. Hi, my name is Nicol and I am 18 years old, and I have a boyfriend and we been going out for like 6 months and I really like him but he gets too jealous and doesn't let me do anything like I can't even speak to my close friend Joseph without him getting mad and I really don't know what to do, can you help me? By the way I am a huge fan of Coldplay one of my favorite songs is Yellow, my dad used to sing it to me before he passed away.
The Oracle replies:
The fact you don't have your Dad around made more of an impact on me I have to say. With him gone you've not got a great male role model in your boyfriend. His jealousy is out of control if you can't even speak to a friend just because he's a guy. You've not been going out with him all that long but you need to tell him straight; either quit acting out or he'll lose you. Do not put up with this possessive behaviour, it isn't healthy for either of you.
November 30, 2011 - submitted by Dave, United States of America
Q. I heard or read an interview where some of the band was saying the didn't drive or own cars. I am a car guy and was wondering if that was true and if any of the members have any cool/exotic cars?
The Oracle replies:
I won't dwell too much on this but it's well documented that Guy has a love of cars and has built up quite a collection though his favoured London car is a Smart car. Will tends to zip around on a scooter. Chris is able to drive but doesn't often. I have never ever seen Jonny drive... whether he can or not.
November 30, 2011 - submitted by Mig El, Mexico
Q. Hi Oracle, I'd like to know how many guitars Chris has broken so far since they started playing this new upbeat version of GPASUYF. I've already seen Chris using several different guitars. The version is awesome! But it huts watching those beautiful teles going kamikaze.
The Oracle replies:
As far as I know, one. Fast repairs are made if there's any lasting damage.
November 29, 2011 - submitted by Joseph Rogers, United Kingdom
Q. Once Again Hello Oracle! I couldn't help noticing that for the Children In Need concert, Coldplay were one of the acts that didn't make use of the orchestra that was present. It got me thinking...have the band ever considered a gig with a live orchestra? I know that it wouldn't suit every song of their's, especially on Mylo Xyloto, but to hear In My Place, Yes or even Paradise in this format would be great. I can see it now: "Coldplay At the Royal Albert Hall". Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this. Also, am I standing or "seats on the floor" at MEN next weekend? Joe x P.S. If this was my idea OK?
The Oracle replies:
I haven't seen CiN Rocks but the orchestra won't have been there to be utilised by every act. I personally think they could probably have any of their songs performed with an orchestra because a good song is a good song no matter whether it's performed acapella, acoustically or Mark Ronson'd! Anyway, there hasn't been talk of such a gig though you may recall they performed Politik at the 2003 Grammys with an New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
November 29, 2011 - submitted by Amelia, United Kingdom
Q. Dear Oracle, Christmas is coming, and i was going to purchase something really special for my best friend. Since i'm young and the gift was $100, i was going to give it to her for Christmas/Bday and a bunch of made up holidays. I was waiting for a paycheck to purchase all the gifts with the one amount, but now the item is sold out. I've been checking the website every day to see if they'll release it again for Christmas, but haven't yet. Later i found out that for my present, she's making some of it and buying some of it and putting a lot of effort into it and now i don't j=know what to do for hers. I don't know what route i should take for her present now: waiting and hoping, or finding something else. If i try finding something else, what should i look for now, because nothing could compare to the Jacket i was going to purchase. Thank you.
The Oracle replies:
Presents are not about the cost. $100 sounds far too much for you to spend on your friend no matter how amazing the gift. I would spend time rather than money. Think about what she likes and focus your energy and maybe a little money into that. She'd surely appreciate something affordable that you've put time and effort into. You could make her a compilation CD. Or film something personal. Or write her a poem or song if you're able. Maybe a photo of something she loves in a beautiful frame? There are so many gestures you can make that don't have to cost the earth.
November 28, 2011 - submitted by James, United Kingdom
Q. Dear Oracle, I've been looking at the Graham Norton Show on the BBC iplayer to see Coldplay's performance as Roadie said they were on it but for some reason JLS were on it? Are Coldplay on it next week or something or is it a mix up? Thanks, James.
The Oracle replies:
The majority of TV shows are taped in advance of their transmission date rather than going out live. There are a couple of exceptions of course. Graham Norton is an advance filming so the band's performance will be going out at a later date. JLS were this week's musical guests, Lenny Kravitz is next so look out for Coldplay on December 9th.
November 28, 2011 - submitted by John, United States of America
Q. If a girl posts lyrics from a song right after you hangout with her, can you assume that the lyrics are related to how she feels about you?
The Oracle replies:
You'd have to take into consideration what else is going on in her world. For all you know, she may have just been listening to that song. I would say it's highly likely though. Beware, if it isn't you might look a little foolish.
November 25, 2011 - submitted by Tambourine Woman, United Kingdom
Q. I brought my tambourine to the Little Noise Session last night and wanted to check that I didn't annoy Chris and Johnny too much by playing it?! Thank you guys for a never-to-be-forgotten show, it was just BRILLIANT xx
The Oracle replies:
I realize that this is an unusual extra Friday question but I could not help myself today. Somehow I doubt you are really the
November 24, 2011 - submitted by Paty, Mexico
Q. Hi Oracle! I have a little question... If I have the opportunity to visit UK, what place can I visit to say that I visited a Coldplay's Place? For example a Beatles' Place is Abbey Road, so what place could be Coldplay's Place? Please, answer my question. Thanks :)
The Oracle replies:
I'm sure many fans would disagree and say The Bakery or The Beehive are Coldplay places but I wouldn't say they are as synonymous as Abbey Road is to The Beatles. I think the iconic image of the band crossing the zebra crossing has more to do with that. To me Coldplay places are video locations (e.g. Studland Beach) or venues played (the site of the now defunct The Laurel Tree) etc. Maybe it's all about finding the place that means the most to you as a fan.
November 24, 2011 - submitted by Billie, United States of America
Q. Hi, Oracle. I was wondering why Coldplay never plays my two favorite songs at concerts and such, why they don't have music videos (I know that they aren't very popular). The songs are Swallowed in the Sea" and 'Til Kingdom Come. Thanks.
The Oracle replies:
Well Billie I have to say "never say never". 'Til Kingdom Come was a permanent fixture on the last tour and was played more recently on 26th October in Madrid.
To "know they aren't very popular" simply is not true - given they're your favourite songs, you won't be alone in that view. 'Til Kingdom Come especially is a fan favourite. The only reason there were no videos made for either of those songs is because neither were released as singles.
November 23, 2011 - submitted by Shady, Egypt
Q. Yesterday I found - by chance - a live version of a song called Bucket For a Crown and it was absolutely gorgeous. I wanted to know whether there is a chance we'll be hearing a studio version of it or not. Thanks for reading and I hope you respond to my question.
The Oracle replies:
To be honest, as with many of the songs that are discarded during the recording process, its time and place has passed. There are a few notable songs that have had a very long incubation period before finally making it to a record (In My Place certainly springs to mind) but there just isn't room for them all. Bucket For a Crown was so long ago now that it just isn't likely to reappear. Speaking of, it seems quite fitting to be answering this on the eve of Chris & Jonny's MENCAP Little Noise Sessions performance as I seem to remember that's where Bucket For a Crown got its first public airing back in 2006.
November 23, 2011 - submitted by Andrea, United Kingdom
Q. Hi, Oracle! What is the paper that is always at Chris piano on the shows? Hope that you answer my question :)
The Oracle replies:
There are typed setlists that are usually taped to the floor but I have seen them on the piano too. I think what you've seen might actually be translations. Chris likes to find out how to say things in the local lingo at every show and so he asks for interpretations.
November 22, 2011 - submitted by Kirsten, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, I was wondering if Coldplay planned on putting out another Christmas song like they did last year with Christmas Lights (which I am listening to right now.) Thanks for reading this and I hope you respond to my question. Have a good day.
The Oracle replies:
I did say there'd be no Christmas album from Coldplay a couple of weeks ago, same goes for a Christmas song* too. However, if you want to get in the festive mood with two new Christmas albums, I recommend Coldplay friend and collaborator Tim Wheeler's This Is Christmas, an album made with with Emmy the Great. It was released on 21st Nov. Another is an album released on 28th Nov by two wonderful people, Smith & Burrows. *This Friday is the one year anniversary of the Christmas Lights video shoot. How times flies. We'll be hearing it in stores the world over soon eh?
November 22, 2011 - submitted by Elmo, United States of America
Q. Is Moving to Mars available to listen to at all or is that just a song that was pulled from MX? I love the new album more than I thought I would if that's even possible.
The Oracle replies:
If you visit our Recordings section and scroll to the Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall EP, you will see that it's available to buy. Moving to Mars is track 3 on that.
November 21, 2011 - submitted by Conor, United Kingdom
Q. Why has Chris changed his watch from a yellow one to a purple one?
The Oracle replies:
I'm assuming you noticed on Children in Need. He doesn't always wear the yellow one - er, obviously or you wouldn't have asked - he just chooses whichever one he wants to wear at the time. Each member (including Phil) has one but as they don't all wear them, Chris has the pick of 5.
November 21, 2011 - submitted by Eric, United Kingdom
Q. Hi Oracle! Just saw Coldplay on BBC Children in Need show in Manchester. I was wondering what "7070s" means which is written in Chris's hand during the song Paradise?
The Oracle replies:
It actually says 70705 which is the number to text to donate to Children in Need.
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