More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1400 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
September 3, 2010 - submitted by Mark, United Kingdom
Q. Will Coldplay ever play this version of Talk live? I would do anything for that! It's incredible and almost everybody agrees! Thanks.
The Oracle replies:
It's extremely doubtful. This wasn't the version the band decided on for inclusion on X&Y. Although they gave it a techno re-vamp for the Viva tour, it's not likely to appear in the guise of one of the discarded variants. I love it too though it has to be said but then I like all incarnations of the song; there were a few.
September 3, 2010 - submitted by Suraj, Canada
Q. Dear Oracle, Mr. Will Champion has spent his 2008 and 2009 birthdays performing live on stage with Coldplay in Toronto, Canada. Last year, in July 2009, my friends and I waited for hours outside of the arena and had the best seats in the house when we got in, front and center on the floor. Right before the band played Politik, we all began singing Happy Birthday to Mr. Champion, and the band laughed and waited in the dark for us to finish singing before they started. Do they remember this? It's too bad Will did not get to spend a third consecutive birthday in Toronto, we missed him! -Suraj
The Oracle replies:
Trust me, if they did hear that they will remember it; it was a special night. As you were there you'll know that the band had a cake and balloons for Will and asked everyone to sing Happy Birthday to him. Looking back the footage available does show a slightly longer gap before the start of
September 3, 2010 - submitted by Claire, United States of America
Q. I would like to vote for on the DMA, but I can't find your category.
The Oracle replies:
Here it is Claire.
September 2, 2010 - submitted by Josh, Argentina
Q. Hi oracle! One question... has The World Turned Upside Down ever been played live? If so, when? (By the way, I'm talking about the Fix You B-side)
The Oracle replies:
I've never heard it being performed live and there doesn't appear to be a recording or footage to show otherwise so I would have to deduce that no, it was never played live.
September 2, 2010 - submitted by Camila, Brazil
Q. Dear Oracle, there's something weird going on... I was taking a look at the tags of your answers when I found the tag "will's nose". I thought "-wtf?! this can't be a tag" and, when I press the link it said that there's no item tagged as "will's nose". So, why is this a tag?? This made me laugh haha :D Is it some joke? greetings from Brazil <3
The Oracle replies:
Ah yes, it’s a mystery as to why that tag doesn't take you to a bona fide Oracle entry. Will had a little mishap on the Viva tour when the end of the drumstick came off hitting him in the nose when he whacking the bell during Viva la Vida.
September 1, 2010 - submitted by Rachel, United States of America
Q. Hello Oracle, I was just wondering... is this video for real?
The Oracle replies:
Similarly to the other question about where a video originates from, this is also an official video that can be found on the band's official YouTube page - ColdplayTV - this was the second video made for the single, an alternative if you like and an homage to
September 1, 2010 - submitted by Kelly, United Kingdom
Q. Was Amsterdam written about the Holocaust?
The Oracle replies:
After the question about Politik being written in the wake of 9/11 I can see why you pose the question. This has been asked before so sorry to repeat myself but there is no connection between the song's title and the song's content; it was simply named after the place where it was written.
September 1, 2010 - submitted by Emily, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, In your honest opinion, do girls look better with or without a ton of makeup?
The Oracle replies:
Personally I prefer natural beauty. Don't get me wrong, I think make-up can enhance your best features but it shouldn't be worn as a mask. I think too much make-up caked on a face looks terrible!
August 31, 2010 - submitted by Thibault, France
Q. Hi dear Oracle, Is that true that Coldplay gave its first concert on January 16th in 1998 as the author of
The Oracle replies:
Well given that the author of that video was actually the band; the YouTube user took it from our official timeline, it is indeed true.
August 31, 2010 - submitted by Helmut, Austria
Q. I learned that the band after a gig is instantly leaving the venue, not to come into a rush and catch their early plane back home. Since their are transpiring like hell during the show, do they still first have a shower before leaving?
The Oracle replies:
I'm pretty sure you mean perspiring Helmut but I love your English so don't take offence; my Austrian is non-existent! The band do leave the venue as soon as a show has finished and there's no time for a shower until they get back to the hotel/home. Basically it's a case of a wipe down with a towel in the back of the car! On the Viva tour they put fresh jackets/tops on before the encore but they tend to come off after the gig ends too.
August 27, 2010 - submitted by Maria, United Kingdom
Q. Dear Oracle this is true or false Politik was written days after the attacks of 11 September 2001? Thanks Lovely Oracle
The Oracle replies:
Actually yes, Politik was written in the wake of that tragedy and very much inspired by those events.
August 27, 2010 - submitted by Dominique, United Kingdom
Q. Oracle, I really need your help! My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time, and things have been going really well until recently I found out that he's cheating on me with this girl. How do you think I can get him back? Or I should I even bother?
The Oracle replies:
Long time or not, things can't have been going as well as you thought if he was unfaithful and whatever his excuse, don't waste your time on this cheat. If you haven't got trust you have nothing and unless he rebuilds that over a period of time you would continue to mistrust him. Time apart is best for you right now; whether that's temporary or permanent is ultimately your decision but have the self-respect to know you deserve better and better is out there.
August 27, 2010 - submitted by Anthony, Sweden
Q. My wife saw Coldplay at the Shepherds Bush Empire back in May 2000 when they were co-supporting James with a Swedish band called Kent. She reliably informs me that they were less than 20 people in the venue when Coldplay were on stage but she enjoyed them more than James. Does the band remember this gig and they small gaggle of Swedish girls bopping away in front of the stage?
The Oracle replies:
Of course they remember and Chris would probably say the same as your wife but both are wrong; there were many more than 20 in that audience! It was early days in their career in terms of a larger venue and a decent support slot. The band were heckled but they weren't unknown by any standards and the venues had started to fill up.
August 27, 2010 - submitted by Gabriel, Brazil
Q. I'm a HUGE Warning Sign fan. Can you please tell me where
The Oracle replies:
You're right it wasn't recorded in Sydney, 2003 but 2005 in Toronto.
August 26, 2010 - submitted by David, Canada
Q. In the live show in Toronto in the beginning of the song 'Til Kingdom Come Chris says "we wrote this song for Johnny Cash and in return he gave us..." what does he say after that??
The Oracle replies:
Chris says "... this is a song we wrote for Johnny Cash and in return he gave us our dress sense". After a pause he adds "except for our shoes which we got from Usher".
August 26, 2010 - submitted by Emmett, Canada
Q. Hey Oracle! I found this
The Oracle replies:
Mat Whitecross met the band at UCL and directed their first video for Bigger Stronger. He has gone on to make some amazing films and at the start of the Viva campaign came up with this alternative video for its first single, Violet Hill.
The EMI/Coldplay YouTube account only shows official videos so this was a commissioned piece.
August 25, 2010 - submitted by Ricardo, Netherlands
Q. Dear Oracle, Is there any (live) footage of Chris with huge hair like on the back of the Parachutes album. I would love to see that!! Thanks in advance.
The Oracle replies:
The Parachutes album's photographs were taken Saturday 6th May and
August 25, 2010 - submitted by Kieran, United Kingdom
Q. Hey Oracle :D What are secateurs/sekateurs? I heard the word in Separate and Ever Deadly by The Last Shadow Puppets and I have no idea what it means! Thanks!
The Oracle replies:
Secateurs are a gardening tool. They're much like scissors and are used to prune. In fact they're also known as pruning shears.
August 24, 2010 - submitted by Kelby, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, I was wondering, in the Coldplay online store for the Coldplay memoir, is that Roadie #42 holding the book? Thanks!
The Oracle replies:
Gosh he's popular today isn't he? Sorely missed I expect... No, that's not Roadie #42 it's Matt the author who although a Roadie, isn't #42.
August 24, 2010 - submitted by Adeline, France
Q. Hello dear Oracle, I'm actually reading Juliet Naked, a book written by Nick Hornby. Does the band know that they are mentioned in a fake Wikipedia article on Tucker Crowe who is a singer-songwriter in the book ? It explains that his music influenced Coldplay and that the band also recorded a tribute album. I love both Coldplay music and this author a funny coincidence... Thanks.
The Oracle replies:
I know that Vicki, that band's personal assistant read and loved the book! I don't think the band have had time but there are a quite a few novels that mention the band these days...
August 24, 2010 - submitted by Caroline, United States of America
Q. Hello Oracle. I'm inquiring about Roadie #42, its been 2 months since we heard from him!?
The Oracle replies:
He's absolutely fine so don't worry! The band were in NYC during July and Roadie #42 remained in London. He was ordered to take August off as a holiday but knowing him, he'll be using his spare time to do very work related stuff!
August 23, 2010 - submitted by Karman, India
Q. Hello dear Oracle, I recently bought a Coldplay poster. The guy who sold it to me said it was a rare one could you tell me just how rare it is?
The Oracle replies:
Hmmm the thing is, that poster may be rare but it's not official. We didn't commission it and so it's what's known as a bootleg.
August 23, 2010 - submitted by Laudy, Lebanon
Q. Dear Oracle, Hello! I am 14 years old and I'm going out with someone who is 17 years old. Oracle, I really like him and he really likes me. I feel free to be myself around him and I can just tell him anything! So my question is... How do I tell my mother that I am dating a 17 year old? The age difference isn't that great but still, it's my mother we're talking about! Any advice would be great. It's my love life at stake so no pressure! =) Thank you for taking your time to read all of our questions! Love, Laudy. P.S. Say hello to the guys, will you? =) I <3 Coldplay!
The Oracle replies:
Ah mothers eh? I jest of course but you may not like what I am about to say. A 3 year age gap at 14 and 17 is HUGE. For instance here in the U.K there are things that a 17 year old can physically do legally that a 14 year old can't and that can put pressure on an already pressured relationship. Your mother may have cause for concern but the best way to avoid her thinking that is to be straight with her and let her see for herself. You need to speak with her and she needs to meet your boyfriend to get to know him. At 14 she has every right to protect you and vet who you are involved with so allow her to be part of it. If I was you I wouldn't make a big deal out of it and perhaps introduce him as your friend on the initial visit but afterwards tell her your feelings. Whatever her response it is better to be honest with her and then she is more likely to trust you. I hope you wouldn't abuse that trust because I get the feeling you're a sensible girl...
August 23, 2010 - submitted by Natalie, United Kingdom
Q. Hi Oracle, In a few weeks I will have to go into hospital to have some surgery done. Hospitals tend to be extremely boring, so I would like to take some books with me to pass the time. Are there any books you or the band could really recommend (classics, older ones or more recent)? I already read and loved Roadie by the wonderful Matt, so that one is unfortunately out. Thanks for your suggestions :)
The Oracle replies:
I think the perfect books for your time in hospital would be anything by Nick Hornby (his latest Juliet Naked is brilliant and has a teeny Coldplay reference) and The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. If you want to read a classic book, how about Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights?
August 20, 2010 - submitted by Luis, Mexico
Q. Olaa gran y poderoso Oraculo! Well maybe this is a stupid question but I can't remember when and where was the first show of the Viva la Vida tour so can you tell me? Thanks and sorry for my bad English. Atentamente Luis
The Oracle replies:
It's not a stupid question at all; it was a long time ago! Even though I know when and where it was, I still feel the need to account for the live shows preceding the tour. On June 13 2008 the band performed for friends & family at Wembley. This was followed by free/TV shows on 16th in Brixton, 17th Barcelona, 18th BBC Television Centre, 19th Paris and 23rd & 27th New York. The first live date of the tour proper was July 14th at The Forum, Los Angeles.
August 20, 2010 - submitted by Levi, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, Which do you think is better the original The Office from UK or The Office in America? Thanks, Levi
The Oracle replies:
I prefer the The Office U.K to The Office U.S however that's not to say one is necessarily better. Once the U.S version stepped out of the shadow already cast by the original and became a great show in its own right, I loved it!
August 20, 2010 - submitted by Fredrika, Finland
Q. Dear Oracle. I have a question. Can you stay happily married for the rest of your life? Is that a possibility? I am seventeen and my parents just had a divorce. I feel very confused right now, and I just want to know if it's even possible to stay with a person and love him/her for the rest of your life.
The Oracle replies:
Oh Fredrika I feel empathy for your pain. My parents divorced when I was young so what I say comes from a place not only of knowledge but of experience.
It remains to be seen with our current generation and future ones whether people will stay happily married forever but there are plenty of couple who have managed that despite what life throws and many who get married thinking that they will stay together and maybe they will. Anything is a possibility so I will answer yes to your question even though you probably know I am quite cynical when it comes to marriage. Of course the odds are better if you wait 'til you're older before getting married. Sorry, only joking! I do think some people rush into it though or do it for the wrong reasons but honestly? I still believe that people can make it work if they truly love each other and respect one another. Right now you may not see how that's possible; when I look back after my parents split I remember saying that I would never get married; I didn't see the point. I have watched many marriages fail but that doesn't prove anything. Life can be tough and loving one person can be hard when there's so many pressures and stresses along the way. I guess it's all about finding the right person who shares the same values and beliefs plus mutual trust and support as well as a bucketload of compromise. Your parents divorcing may seem like the worst thing to ever happen to you right now but trust me, them staying unhappily together would be far worse for all of you in the long term. The only advice I can give you is... don't let anyone else's relationship taint the view of any you have.
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