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November 27, 2009 - submitted by Imelda, United States of America
Q. I don't know if the picture I saw is the official one but I saw one of Coldplay as Simpson characters and they were horrible. Why did they make Guy so ugly and old looking again? Also, the rest of the band look nothing like themselves either! Please answer.
The Oracle replies:
As far as I'm aware, no images from the band's upcoming appearance have been officially released. I do agree that the picture in circulation isn't the greatest likeness but The Simpsons isn't necessarily about identical resemblance. I can't say that many characters are attractive either though the Winona Ryder voiced Allison Taylor is pretty hot.
November 27, 2009 - submitted by Olivia, Germany
Q. So Oracle, when do the guys start recording songs for the new Album ?! After the Latin American Tour ?! <3
The Oracle replies:
The guys are already in the studio working on new ideas for the next album. They did have a break after the recent tour dates finished.
November 27, 2009 - submitted by Kevin, United States of America
Q. Dear all powerful and sexy Oracle, I recently discovered my girlfriend may be cheating on me, but I have no hard proof. She also wants me to get rid of my hamster Sammey, whom I love very much and have had since she was born. I'm worried that I might throw away something I hold very close to me, in order to satisfy another one that is close to me, whom may not feel the same way. what do I do? Thanks for at least reading this! I <3 u.
The Oracle replies:
Well Kevin I happen to think this is a case of love me, love my hamster. You've had Sammey since she was born so your girlfriend has been aware of her existence from day one of your relationship. I don't think you should give up your hamster for anyone! If your girlfriend loves you she will accept your pet is part of the deal. That's not even taking into account that you suspect her of cheating; that's an entirely separate issue that you need to tackle.
Official photos of Coldplay at Wembley stadium, London, UK (18th & 19th September 2009):
Photos by Penny Howle (courtesy of
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