More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
October 28, 2009 - submitted by Hannah, United States of America
Q. Oh, Magnificent Oracle, Have Roadie #42 and Anchorman been furloughed due to a lack of funds? I'll gladly pay for my copy of Leftrightleftrightleft if it means they can have their jobs back! Kisses to all! -H
The Oracle replies:
Well Roadie #42 took a little holiday but not a hiatus so he will be writing again from the Latin American tour. It's not usual for him to blog but maybe if there's anything to tell he'd let us all know. Anchorman is still posting news regularly...
October 28, 2009 - submitted by Brooke, United States of America
Q. Have the band ever performed Amsterdam live in Amsterdam?
The Oracle replies:
They most certainly have yes but not every time they perform live there; much to the disappointment of many fans so I hear!
October 28, 2009 - submitted by Joe, United States of America
Q. What kind of bear is best?
The Oracle replies:
Without a shadow of a doubt the Panda is best. I read this recently and it made me smile because it is so true... "I have been thinking about the TV man who has said pandas should die out. I think he is completely wrong. You can argue that the panda is the most brilliant species because it has evolved in such a way to make it look super-cute. This means that the most powerful species on the planet. Human beings automatically want to look after any panda the moment they see it. It is the most brilliant evolutionary strategy - way ahead of any other animal. It means that if you are a panda you just lie there and humans do everything for you". Polar bears are pretty cool too.
October 27, 2009 - submitted by Lisa, United Kingdom
Q. Hi Oracle, I try my best but I don't succeed.... An answer from you is what I need.... But if I never try I'll never know... 4th question but no answer yet so here's another try... Could you resolve a debate between me and my husband? We were at the LCCC gig on 12th Sept, I am sure the band watched Jay Z from the balcony/stand and I am even more convinced having seen the Coldplay puppet photo with the cricket bat, I took a photo on my phone but the zoom wasn't good enough for really clear images, my husband says I am wrong??? Many thanks in anticipation, Lisa
The Oracle replies:
Chris watched from the balcony that as you look at the stage was on the right hand side. The balconies had glass doors behind them from which Will peered to watch some of the White Lies slot.
October 27, 2009 - submitted by Allie, United States of America
Q. Oracle! Your name backwards is Elcaro! That sounds like the name of a mesmerizingly handsome Spanish Prince- although I can't say I picture you being a mesmerizingly handsome Spanish Prince- not to say that you are not mesmerizingly handsome, Spanish, or a prince... anyway, I was wondering if a majority of Coldplay songs come from the boys having jam sessions, or if some songs are born with a specific idea to go with lyrics- I guess what I'm asking is, does the music come first, or the lyrics, or a mixture of the two? Thanks a bundle, and thanks to the boys for 7/27/09!!
The Oracle replies:
It is a mixture of the two; the majority of songs start with Chris coming up with a song idea (whether lyrics or melody) and then the guys get creative together. If I had to say which was more prevalent it would be melody first. It's quite usual for Chris to feel like a melody just arrives with little effort. I know many musicians who experience the same. I am liking Elcaro... maybe El Elcaro!
Pictures of Chris Martin at the 2009 Bridge School Benefit in Mountain View, CA (24th October 2009):
More pictures of the event can be found at now.
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