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    Coldplay's Oracle looks back on the now famous Ode To Deodorant

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1200 questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    April 19, 2010 - submitted by Hector, Mexico

    Q. Dear Oracle who knows it all: I was wondering if this really is the one and only


    The Oracle replies:

    Yes that really is the ultra rare, hard to find aforementioned song; a very early demo post Safety EP but pre-Brothers & Sisters. It's terrible quality mind!


    April 19, 2010 - submitted by Jack, United States of America

    Q. Have you or the band ever heard of the Canadian band The Tragically Hip, and if so do you like them?

    The Oracle replies:

    Are you spying on me Jack? I swear I was listening to them on Friday! New Orleans Is Sinking is such a great song! Anyway, the band aren't familiar with your homeboys; even though they have been around for years and had many albums they just never broke through here at all.


    April 19, 2010 - submitted by Jean, Canada

    Q. Hi Oracle, Someone recently asked you if Coldplay played videogames and you replied that they did and that their favourite game was football. I found this so inspiring. As they are a a British band, one might be justified in thinking they preferred soccer. For me, it just goes to show how you can never judge a book by its cover; Stereotyping is bad. Once more Coldplay is changing the world, one little step at a time... how many Coldplay fans will now start watching football? I can only guess. I guess many will now experience the amazing final long-bomb, touchdown pass and they will have only Coldplay to thank. This isn't a question; this is a thank you. I guess while the rest of the world is watching the World Cup, Coldplay can over to my place and we will watch reruns of the Canadian Football League championship - The Grey Cup!

    The Oracle replies:

    Er sorry to burst your bubble there Jean but in the UK football is football; not soccer and therefore we'll be watching the World Cup (when not working of course)!

    FYI: I must mention that there's not only the FIFA World Cup taking place soon but the Cricket T20 World Cup so just wanted to clear up that Silvana was definitely referring to football (or soccer if you prefer!)


    April 16, 2010 - submitted by Baran, Germany

    Q. Dear Oracle, The Blue Room ep there are 5,000 copies, I have a promo of The Blue Room and wanted to get you ep questions whether this is or whether it really is just a fake. The ep has no image and only in white above and below the name in blue Coldplay The Blue Room ep. Moreover, still stuck two stickers on it. In front the phone numbers of Kevin McCabe, Mike Walsh and Jackie Jenkins are on it. On the back side is a sticker on it on the band's history. One more quick question, I have a Brothers & Sisters Cd original unopened wrapped in foil, will you have this, perhaps, because it has all started with this CD, so to speak?

    The Oracle replies:

    The first run of the Blue Room EP was limited to 500 copies and what you have is a promo copy from EMI so is not a fake exactly although different of course from the released version in appearance only. Promos usually state "not for resale" on them. I have never seen a foil wrapped promo of Brothers & Sisters; it wasn't released in one and it would be unusual for it to be.


    April 16, 2010 - submitted by Silvana, Italy

    Q. Dear Oracle, I was just wondering if the guys are excited about the World Cup?Are they supporting any particular team? Thanks in advance. Hope you are all doing fine!!

    The Oracle replies:

    We're all fine thanks and very much looking forward to the FIFA World Cup� and will be predominantly cheering on our home team - England. It's always nice to have a back-up team in case your team gets knocked out so I am sure for example that Anchorman will be keeping an eye of interest on Greece.

    At the time of writing we only have 55 days, 8 hours and 28 minutes to wait!




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