More questions answered by The Oracle... (submit yours now!)
February 17, 2009 - submitted by Milan Miric, Serbia and Montenegro
Q. Dear Oracle, I know that many fans will ask this question,but given that I am from a country a bit far away and the post is REALLY slow, I just wanna make sure that my postcards made it to the band, and if they did, what the impressions were... Me and my friends sent about 4-5 postcards and one of them, the most authentic one was a picture of the guys as the girls from Sex and The City - with their faces instead of the girls'. The other authentic one has butterflies which say Serbian Reign of Love and Lovers in Serbia... Is there a way that you could at least tell me whether they got there on time? It would mean the world to me... Thanks a lot... Much love from Serbia. Milan...
The Oracle replies:
Yes those cards definitely did make it. Apparently the Sex and the City card raised some laughs! We can't confirm we received every one, as there were so many, therefore this is the only question I can answer about it.
February 17, 2009 - submitted by Hans, Germany
Q. "The next one you pick up is where we tour up next year" ... "oh fuck". Which country is it which will have the 100% pleasure of seeing Coldplay live in 2010 ? ;-)
The Oracle replies:
Oh dear Hans, Will didn't say that! The next card that Will picked up was from NORFOLK! I can see how you might have misheard. Of course it doesn't mean they're touring Norfolk before anyone writes to check... it was all for fun!
February 17, 2009 - submitted by Joanna, United States of America
Q. I noticed that Coldplay's new video for Life in Technicolor ii contained puppets of the band. Beck's video for Nausea contained puppets as well. Did the band take this idea from Beck, or was it just a coincidence? Please let me know, this is really bugging me.
The Oracle replies:
In fact Supergrass did it before Beck and I'm sure they weren't the first either! No one holds the exclusive copyright to use puppets in videos; it's just a co-incidence.
February 17, 2009 - submitted by Savanah, United States of America
Q. ello chaps, okay so I was just scrolling through your questions, & I read one that said Yellow was about a meteor shower, well I was watching 60 mins last sunday before the Grammys and Chris was talking about how he didn't know what the song was about? thanks :)
The Oracle replies:
"Inspired by" does not mean about....
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