More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1900 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
November 3, 2011 - submitted by Julia, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, Why is the song Charlie Brown named Charlie Brown? Thanks!
The Oracle replies:
An earlier version of the song actually had the lyric Charlie Brown in it. It was left out of the final recording but the name stuck as the band couldn't think of an alternative.
November 3, 2011 - submitted by Shelley, United Kingdom
Q. My boyfriend suggested dressing up as elephants when we go see you live at Manchester, would this be silly? The costumes are exactly same as the ones on the video lol.
The Oracle replies:
It wouldn't be the first time; last week at Norwich there were quite a few elephants wandering around. Chris wore the elephant head during the encore too but I warn you, they do get hot so bear in mind that it wouldn't be wise to overheat, get dehydrated and need any potential medical attention! Be safe elephants.
November 2, 2011 - submitted by Graham, United Kingdom
Q. Hello Oracle, I hope you are well. Thank you for answering all our questions. I just saw that Chris and Jonny are going to be playing the Little Noise Sessions later this month and was hoping you could tell me how long they will play for. I am desperate to go but the tickets are expensive and I'm worried they may only play 3 or 4 songs or something short like that because there are quite a lot of people on the bill. Thank you! Graham
The Oracle replies:
£50 is a lot of money but given, as you say, there are quite a lot of people on the bill, you're seeing five artists and helping a fantastic cause at the same time, they're not that expensive if you think of it that way. Chris & Jonny will be doing a full set so it won't be 3 songs and off if that swings it for you.
November 2, 2011 - submitted by Tobias, Germany
Q. Hey Oracle, is there any possibility to download the whole graffiti wall of the new album as wallpaper or something like this ?
The Oracle replies:
I think there's actually 9 graffiti walls in total and they're real. Chris asked me last week where they were now and my Oracle powers failed me yet again... I have no idea!* Anyway, we don't have wallpapers currently so it's not possible to download the album's wall. *I will endeavour to find out.
November 1, 2011 - submitted by Alba, Spain
Q. Dear Oracle, I know that Chris said that Mylo Xyloto is a love story but I don't know if the other albums have any story. If they have, Can you tell me what are and summarize the main ideas? Thank you so much.
The Oracle replies:
Mylo Xyloto does have themes though is not a concept album per se but it's the only one of the band's 5 to have a story running through it. This doesn't mean there aren't themes in the other albums but MX certainly has a more constructed form.
November 1, 2011 - submitted by Melina, Sweden
Q. Hi Oracle! Is it true that Coldplay recorded parts of the album under hypnosis?
The Oracle replies:
The answer is no, there are NO parts of the album recorded while under hypnosis. This is a topic that just will not go away. It's such old news - it was mentioned as far back as April. So we can put it to rest... Guy was asked a question about recording with Brian Eno at the album's launch press conference last week. In his reply he mentioned that they'd agreed to be hypnotised and play. He also added that although nothing came from it, that no suggestion is too crazy.
October 31, 2011 - submitted by Nicole, Puerto Rico
Q. Noel Gallagher says: 'I'd be up for collaborating with U2 or Coldplay.'
That would be the most amazing thing ever! Do you think Coldplay would be up for it?
The Oracle replies:
Last week Chris talked about why collaborations with men don't quite have the right chemistry so I can't see that happening any time soon, no.
October 31, 2011 - submitted by Anton, Netherlands
Q. How does Coldplay feel about somebody putting a shaky video on his facebook page of a part of a song recorded during a concert. I ask this especially cause if think I was foolish to post a picture and question on Chris Martins facebook page. And I got the feeling he did not appreciate that very much.
The Oracle replies:
Chris doesn't have a facebook page so whatever wall that was, it wasn't our Chris Martin's. I suspect it's someone posing as him. The band members do not have individual facebook accounts. Please pass that on to other people who may be being misled...
October 31, 2011 - submitted by Axel, Mexico
Q. Hi dear and lovely Oracle! Hey I heard Princess of China was the third single from Mylo, and then I looked for information and I found it was released on October 25! Is that true? Is POC a single? By the way, Mylo Xyloto is fantastic! When will be lyrics on Recordings Section? I need to sing right as loud as I can! Thanks for your time! Greetings from Mexico!
The Oracle replies:
PoC has definitely not been released as a single. We've not long since released Paradise and the album only came out last Monday. The lyrics are coming I promise. It's something to look forward to!
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