More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
October 19, 2009 - submitted by Sarah, United States of America
Q. Hello, Oracle, did you know about the freaky-obsessive-scary Church of Chris Martin? I don't know whether these people are not mentally stable, or they're making fun of Chris, or whatever, but it's creepy and weird. I was just wondering if Chris knows about it/what he thinks of it.
The Oracle replies:
It's weird because that website has been around a lot longer than the archive shows (2008). It's always used the photo of Chris that was once an NME cover looking pretty angelic, which is likely what inspired the site in the first place.
October 19, 2009 - submitted by Eva, Greece
Q. Dear Oracle, I know you've already answered a puppets-go-to-Greece question, but can you please tell us why underneath the photos it said: we will see you? Could it possibly mean that Coldplay are planning to do a show in Greece anytime in the future? Thank you so much for all of your answers, you're the best! PS. I understand you've already answered to Dimitra so answering mine would be a bit too much for greek queries ^_^
The Oracle replies:
The puppets were more saying "See you later" or "See you around". Therefore, no, there is no Greek show planned.
Coldplaying Christmas 2009: Secret Santa - add your name to the list!
Official photos of Coldplay at Wembley stadium, London, UK (18th & 19th September 2009):
Photos by Penny Howle (courtesy of
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