More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1400 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
June 25, 2010 - submitted by Jeroen, Belgium
Q. In the live 2003 version of Yellow, who is playing the acoustic guitar? Because Jonny's playing the lead and Chris doesn't have a guitar.. Is it a recorded track maybe? Jeroen
The Oracle replies:
It's not a pre-recorded backing track; it was Matt McGinn, Jonny's guitar tech and now author of Roadie. Chris asked him to play the guitar part from off stage which Matt writes about in his book from page 49.
June 25, 2010 - submitted by Reem, United Kingdom
Q. Are you happy about England's performance in the world cup?
The Oracle replies:
Well I had been very vocal about my disappointment until Wednesday's game against Slovenia when they finally showed some skill, nerve and of course, a winning result. Let's hope they keep that up in the next round(s).
June 25, 2010 - submitted by Evey, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, I know that in England you call cookies/crackers biscuits. What do you call biscuits that you eat for breakfast with butter or jam spread on?
Sincerely, Evey!
The Oracle replies:
It's just like your fries are our chips and your chips are our crisps... baffling!
What you call cookies we call biscuits but we have some biscuits that are cookies. Our crackers are generally used for cheese. We don't have a traditional breakfast biscuit that we spread butter or jam on? Unless you mean toast of course, because that's a very popular breakfast here.
June 24, 2010 - submitted by Timo, Germany
Q. Dear Oracle, World cup! Germany vs. England! Penalty? If you know everything, do you even know the winner of this "fight"?
The Oracle replies:
I've said before I won't predict sporting events etc. as the bookies wouldn't be impressed with me... But once gain we meet our adversaries and it's sure to prove tense viewing. The mood in the studio will be very interesting come Monday morning as Marcus Dravs, who has been working with the band, is German. They all took a break to cheer on Germany, defeated by Serbia, last Friday but this time the loyalties are definitely split!
June 24, 2010 - submitted by Als, United Kingdom
Q. Dear Oracle, I've got a stinking cold and I'm using a well-known cold remedy (I'm assuming I can't say the name of it?). You put a sachet in a cup, fill it with water and then drink. The instructions say use "hot, but not boiling water". Do you know why you can't use boiling water? Does it affect the ingredients in the sachet? And if that doesn't work, have you got any tips for what will make me feel better?
The Oracle replies:
I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and say it's the same reason as not making coffee with boiling water; it burns! It's actually a health & safety issue; they don't want any accidents occurring. The powder is slightly effervescent too and so boiling water could make its volume increase pretty quickly.
June 23, 2010 - submitted by Rouz, France
Q. Hello dear Oracle, what do you think about this? Have a nice day.
The Oracle replies:
Awww that's very sweet of fans to care so much about a DVD but there are no plans to release one and in this case a petition can't change that decision... whether 714 signatures on it or 71400! That's very touching to see though and I'm sure it's not the only one in existence.
June 23, 2010 - submitted by Agi, Hungary
Q. Dear Oracle, Roadie 42 wrote on 3 June "greetings from Budapest". Does this mean he spent his 2 weeks break here in Hungary or the band worked/will work here, too by any chance? Secretly, of course:) Thanks and greetings from Budapest, Agi
The Oracle replies:
Roadie #42 was on vacation in Hungary; most of the band were also on holiday in various locations during that same time period.
June 23, 2010 - submitted by Anna, United States of America
Q. Hello! Before I tell you what's up, if you don't answer this, I'm going to assume that the answer is something I don't want to hear, and you don't want to announce to the world that the person in question did this.... There are very few things that will make me stop liking a band that I've loved for a long time, and lip-synching is one of them. On YouTube there is a video of the band Mew performing at some awards ceremony and it seems that Jonas is lip-synching. I don't know why he would do this because he is actually one of the best singers I've ever heard. Please tell me that someone dubbed the video and put the album version over the footage! I really hope this isn't real.
The Oracle replies:
You have to remember Anna that sometimes TV shows insist on miming to backing tracks so it's not always the artist's decision and some do refuse to appear if they can't play live. The reasons for lip synching can be sometimes technical. It can be time consuming to mix the sound of many performers appearing on different stages for example; it's also easier. Situations where the artist may prefer to mime are if they're also performing an energetic dance routine or they be feeling under the weather. I can't see Jonas from Mew needed breathing space from dancing so maybe in this case it was a decision forced upon them by the show.
June 22, 2010 - submitted by Natalie, United Kingdom
Q. Hi Oracle! I was going through some old issues of the Coldplay e-zine and came across an article where "the riddle of 1560" was mentioned. Please enlighten me, what is it? Thanks!
The Oracle replies:
In 2003 there was a Coldplay competition based on the opening lyric from Politik followed by the number 1560 on the back page of the AROBTTH tour programme.
Giles Greenwood (who also designed the programme as well as other merch items) came up with the idea that drove thousands of fans crazy. Very few people worked out the answer to the riddle which was asking what the significance of that number 1560 was. It was all connected to how many days it had been from the band signing to Parlophone to the last tour date on the AROBTTH tour.
June 22, 2010 - submitted by Laurie, Canada
Q. Hey Oracle am completely hammered ... so what is your best hangover cure??? May need it... L
The Oracle replies:
Well of course Laurie I am going to say a few wise things first like... underage drinking is not a good idea. When you're of age it's not always a great idea either but hey, at the time we tell ourselves it is. So, drinking alcohol responsibly and in moderation certainly reduces the chance of a bad hangover. Other than that: don't mix your drinks, drink plenty of water in between and before you go to bed. Assuming - as I am - that you've failed on all the above points my best hangover cure is a banana milkshake, 2 ibuprofen, a milk thistle tablet and a hair wash. If that fails me I add a packet of salt & vinegar crisps to the mix and a can of cola. But remember, prevention is the best cure...
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