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    FINAL Public Ballot Round: 'Best British Single' at BRITs 2009 - Vote Coldplay!

    britawards2009.jpgColdplay were recently nominated for four Brit awards - Best Album, Best Group, Best British Single and Best Live act - and for the British Single category voting has re-opened for new voting each day until 13th February. Please make your vote count for Coldplay in round SIX (the final public round) at the Brit Awards website here


    On each day from Monday 9 February 2009 to Friday 13 February 2009, you can still vote to save your favourite single but during this period one single will be eliminated from the list each day until there are 5 remaining singles, which will then be entered into Round Seven. You may vote once in each of rounds one to six (any additional votes you make after your first vote in each of rounds one to six will be discounted).


    Have you voted today? Join the discussion on the public voting at the Brits thread here


    Note: Subscribe to the Coldplaying Twitter account and get live updates next week from INSIDE the Coldplay/The Killers exclusive War Child Gig on 18th February from the O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire, London...

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