Happy birthday to Chris Martin, who turns 30 today, on the eve of the first gig in Mexico during Coldplay's current Latin America Tour.
More on this here [thanks anniep_93]
Coldplay's Chris Martin is an accomplished musician in the alternative music field. Chris Martin was born in England on March 2, 1977. His band Coldplay,won the Grammy for "Clocks" in 2004. Chris Martin has teamed up with various other musicians to produce solo recordings. His latest joint effort with JayZ's comeback performance at the Royal Albert Hall in September 2006 produced a collaborative song, "Beach Chair."
Chris Martin has produced a joint recordings with Nelly Furtado, "All Good Things Come to an End." He sang and collaborated on the music for Band Aid 20 which included, "Do They Know It's Christmas. " Chris is naturally left handed, but he plays guitar with his right hand. His favorite instruments are the Telecaster guitar and the Hot Rod Deville 210 Amps. He also uses the Yamaha GT20 Digital Piano.
Chris Martin has an active social concern side. He is an advocate of making trade fair to under developed countries. He is a member of Oxfam's Make Trade Fair. Oxfam is a federation of thirteen independent secular and non-profit groups operating in over 100 countries. The mission of Oxfam is to bring about the reduction of poverty, suffering and injustice to emerging nations. In particular Chris has visited Ghana and Haiti to promote social justice in the work place and advocated fair trade practices. His degree in Ancient World Studies provides a background in the appreciation of diverse cultures.
In his personal life, he is married to the exceptional actress and environmental activist Gwyneth Paltrow. The couple share a vision of a world where they hope their two young children Apple and Moses will be able to enjoy the richness of diversity. Interestingly, Chris is the great, great, grandson of William Willett, (1856-1915), the inventor of Daylight Savings. Many attribute the idea to Ben Franklin due to a letter he wrote lamenting that people should get up earlier in the morning.
It was William Willett who put it into action. After seeing so many blinds down on his horse rides around his neighborhood, he decided something needed to be done about extending the daylight hours. Using his own financial resources, Mr. Willett published the pamphlet, "The Waste of Daylight," in 1907. His idea was embraced by various English leaders, but it was not until the outbreak of World War 1 that Parliament enacted a version of Daylight Savings in 1916.
Unfortunately, Mr. Willett passed away in 1915, never witnessing his great fete. Today a memorial to Mr. Willett may be seen at Petts Wood in England. The memorial is a sun dial permanently set for Daylight Savings. It appears the ancestral link in seeking light amidst forms of darkness is apparent.
Source: http://www.associatedcontent.com
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