The British media will get their turn at casting their eye on Coldplay's awards performance this time next week when they head to the Brits in London on 21 February, but the last 24 hours have seen the US papers go over Coldplay and Rihanna's Grammy's medley with a fine tooth comb. Some are even suggesting that Willie Nelson's cover of The Scientist that was shown in the commercial break right after Coldplay had finished was the best Grammy performance of the night! Below are just a selection of their reviews and are merely the tip of the iceberg - we'll get more in on the WikiColdplay page soon. Also below are more of your Coldplayer reviews from the messageboard (thanks to everyone who has contributed over the past 48 hours - please keep your reviews and votes coming in!)
Washington Post: It was not a tough act to follow: A too-long Coldplay performance that made all but the band’s biggest fans yawn. But Coldplay’s Grammy performance was quickly followed up by a better one — a Coldplay song, “The Scientist,” covered by Willie Nelson, in a commercial for Chipotle. The commercial actually debuted online in August, but the contrast of it following a Coldplay performance was a stark one: Grammy viewers tweeting along called it the best Grammy performance, even though it wasn’t even part of the show. Chipotle encouraged viewers to download the song on iTunes, with proceeds benefiting the Chipotle Cultivate Foundation. The two-minute-long commercial, which is the company’s first national television spot, highlighted Chipotle’s sustainable farming practices.
LA Times (Blogs): Coldplay, the band that sounds great when heard in the background of your local grocery store but somewhat boring at every other instance in life, then performed its Rihanna collaboration "Princess of China." Martin was all puppy-dog yearning when he was solo, and his band mates, adept at rocking sympathetically, then joined him for "Paradise." That being said, Coldplay's universe, what with its neon-lit graffiti, seems like a lovely place to take a nap.
Neon Tommy: Coldplay, "Paradise": Great song, great rendition. Chris Martin has such a soulful voice that just hearing him croon the opening notes (you know the ones I'm talking about) transports the listener. The neon graffiti background was visually appealing and in true Coldplay form, and made for an out-there perfomance worthy of the Grammys. Not to mention it looked like a piece out of a concert, not an isolated show performance. Needless to say, the band delivered and made up for the awkward duet with Rihanna.
Dallas Morning News: Foo Fighters, already winners of four Grammy Awards presented before the telecast, ripped it during the band's performance outside the main auditorium. Dave Grohl always sweats up a hard rock storm during the performance. Now we got Rihanna doing "We Found Love" with a bevy of dancers. She sure likes writhing on the floor. And on the other end of the musical spectrum if "Princess of China," her collaboration with Coldplay, also on. Then Rihanna walks off and Coldplay launch into "Paradise." I tell ya, these Grammy performances are like constant flipping the station on the radio dial. Almost sensory overload.
More Coldplayer reviews from the messageboard on Coldplay's performance at the Grammy's (12th February 2012):
I'll be honest, I thought POC would be a disaster, especially after I saw Rihanna's outfit. But when Chris came out with that acoustic guitar I felt like he was making sure people knew he was a rocker. It's all well and good to perform with Rihanna on the record, but I thought non Coldplay fans watching would think they were some pop group, but Chris playing that acoustic version made me so proud. Contrary to many people on the board, I don't think PoC is selling out. But to those people who think it is, take a look at Chris up there sticking it to the man. That's the way I saw it at least! Admitingly though, Rihanna sounded drunk, and she probally was. I had low expectations for her and she still fell short of them. She seemed unenthusiastic. Sorry Rihanna fans......just my opinion. [thanks Cheese Nip 2]
What is the problem guys? Why do we worry so much about last night? Okay, it wasn't that great, but they were rocking the Grammy's with the xylobands and the graffiti. Chris' voice wasn't good, but we know how beautiful he can sing and what a great person he is. [thanks sjors93]
Ugh, i'm just going to say this because i feel as though i have to. Just because you're a Coldplay fan, it doesn't mean you can't dislike a performance or song. You're no less of a fan if you simply dislike one of the performances or songs. It's better to face the facts than be in denial about a group you love. So how can 50 people say that the performance was brilliant? Don't get me wrong, Coldplay are always above the standard of many artists but you can't say that the performance was a perfect 10/10. I don't want to further hate and list the reasons why because it helps no one but you must open your eyes. People aren't perfect, so don't make them seem perfect but saying a performance was 10/10 flawless when it noticeably wasn't. [thanks Connor!42!]
Paradise was amazing and i think Chris was singing it good as always.. PoC unfortunatly wasn't that good, but mostly because rihanna fucked it up. She indeed looked drunk and het outfit was just horrible. Also i had hoped Chris and Rihanna would perform together, move together on the stage and stuff. But Chris was just standing there with his guitar. And though i liked the acoustic version of PoC, i would have liked it more if the whole band would play it. Sorry for my bad english.. Funny enough i didn't like the short version, so they must have done something good, because i wanted them to go on. Or maybe i was just curious if it would get better.. I voted a 7 btw.. [thanks LeonieArienne]
Chris did say he was a bit ill recently, right? I chalked it up to that. To be honest a lot of the performances had weird sound quality to them-I think the acoustics in general were just not that strong for some reason, and a lot of people sounded "off" as a result. I still thought it was a good performance. I'd certainly rather listen to "can't sing" Chris than whatever the hell it was Nicki Minaj was doing. I liked "Princess" on acoustic-the original performance would've fit more with the overall show, but I'm glad they went acoustic for it instead and changed things up a bit, and the segue they did from Rihanna's own song to their duet to one of Coldplay's songs was a neat idea. [thanks Wintergreen]
I actually liked acoustic Princess of China. I thought it was a nice touch in between of very synth-heavy songs, and definetely it was something no one expected. To me Chris sounded very decent on PoC, I didn't hear any major flaws or something besides some variations to the original melody, usual in live performances. Rihanna wasn't flawless, but far from disaster too. Actually it was all nice, neat, interesting. Bombastic? No. I'm afraid the boys stepped into the field, where they don't feel very comfortable, thus the lack of chemistry with Rihanna and lack of contagious energy they usually show during their concerts. But, since Chris was ill, we can easily overlook it. Didn't listen to Paradise, tho. Just a bit tired with this song. [thanks lafinion]
The problem is Chris can't sing Paradise live. He's never been able to do it. He's a better singer than that, but when all people hear is an ehh Rihanna, and a off tune Chris, it sounds bad. I can't wait until they move on from Paradise promo, and go into CB promo. [thanks twitchy517]
I loved the Coldplay performance. Rihanna looked like a groupie from the 1970s (like Sabel Starr for example). Sabel wears a black dress like Rihanna and usually wears shorts like the ones Rihanna wore on stage. Rihanna also wore the same blonde hairstyle of Sabel and other groupies like Shray Mecham, Nancy Spungen. I think you should look up these groupies and see how much Rihanna copied their look. A good place to look is at and other places. [thanks Karencorpse]
I'm wondering if Chris is reading anything negative and taking it hard. Any fan knows that he is a worrier and paranoid at times and takes things pretty hard. I know he's a big boy and all of that, but I still can't help but get defensive for them/him and feel bad if he's feeling bad. I'm a softie. As for the reviews, it's funny how the are all over the place. One says they rocked the house. Another said it was a highlight of the evening. Another said it wasn't their best performance. One said Rihanna never sounded better (huh?) while others says both had pitch problems. They were all over the place. Honestly, I think it's been a bit overblown. It wasn't bad. I wish the Rihanna thing never happened, but it was fine. Chris came to the states just days ago and has had 4 big events to do....while not feeling well. I'm sure they cancelled the Australia trip next week because he's been under the weather and needs time to rest his voice and get well. To me, Dave Grohl was advocating actual musicianship....people putting their mouth to a microphone and singing and playing an instrument - which our guys do. I know fans have a hard time overlooking the cut down to Coldplay in their video. I know I did, but I think things have been decent between the two since then. As for auto-tune, all you have to do is listen to one Coldplay song and realize that Chris doesn't use it. I'm going to choose to believe that Dave was cutting down the studio tricks that some use to make themselves sound perfect and those that don't play instruments or sing live. I'll end with a pet peeve.....lip synching. These people get glowing reviews..."they sounded great!" Of course they did! Irritating. [thanks LdySpace]
I dont think the Coldplay grammy proformace was bad at all. I dont know why people are being so negative. I wasn't so impressed with the Foo Fighters all their songs are sounding the same these days. Dave Gorhl cant sing live thats why he screams. [thanks SpittingFeathers]
It [Paradise] totally sounds awsome live! It does! And why criticize Chris´voice perfomance at grammynight?? I just watched the show on youtube - and he sounded great (even though, he was sick!)!! - and looked great, I might add! But you are correct - Rihanna didn´t deliver - her voice performance in POC was off tune and weak. Chris had to carry that song on his own - and so he did! I just wished, they had song more of the song - but then again...Rihanna didn´t sound great live so I guess, it was fine, they didn´t do more... Coldplay deserved to win in all the catagories, they were nominated in... [thanks fru.overvad]
Chris is my best singer and i think he's the best voice in the world .. I do love it! I'm full of respect and admiration for him, he put passions in his music and even when he made mistakes ... the power of the performance predoninates.. BUT, having said that, I can not deny that I didn't like the Grammys' performance at all. I'm trying hard to be positive about the change they're having but no... the loss of quality and passion, TO ME, is undeniable. I understand everything ... the succes, the tiredness, etc.. but I really hope they will take time to reflect about it!! I also hope that these criticisms (some extreme, actually) could help somehow. [thanks MeriCri]
New photos of Coldplay at the Grammy Awards, Staples Center, Los Angeles (12th February 2012):
Don't forget to check out your tour discussion thread if you are getting Coldplay tickets or just getting excited for the European & North American 2012 shows and other forthcoming appearances:
8 Los Angeles, CA @ Club Nokia (iHeartRadio) [discussion]
9 Los Angeles, CA @ Jimmy Kimmel Live [discussion]
10 Los Angeles, CA @ GRAMMY Week MusiCares Person of the Year tribute [discussion]
12 Los Angeles, CA @ 54th Grammy Awards, Staples Center [discussion]
16 Sydney, Australia @ 2DayFM, Mobile Live Set (intimate show) [discussion]
17 Sydney, Australia @ Sunrise (intimate show) [discussion]
21 London @ Brit Awards 2012, O2 Arena [discussion]
MARCH 2012
4 New York, NY @ The Secret Policeman's Ball, Radio City Music Hall (Amnesty International) [discussion]
APRIL 2012
17 Edmonton, AB @ Rexall Place [discussion]
18 Calgary, AB @ Scotiabank Saddledome [discussion]
20 Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena [discussion]
21 Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena [discussion]
24 Portland, OR @ Rose Garden Arena [discussion]
25 Seattle, WA @ KeyArena [discussion]
27 San Jose, CA @ HP Pavilion At San Jose [discussion]
28 San Jose, CA @ HP Pavilion At San Jose [discussion]
MAY 2012
1 Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl [discussion]
2 Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl [discussion]
4 Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl [discussion]
18 Porto, Portugal @ Dragao Stadium [discussion]
20 Madrid, Spain @ Estadio Vicente Calderón [discussion]
22 Nice, France @ Stade Charles Herman / Nikaia [discussion]
24 Turin, Italy @ Olympic Stadium [discussion]
26 Zurich, Switzerland @ Letzigrund [discussion]
29 Coventry, UK @ Ricoh Stadium [discussion]
JUNE 2012
1 London, UK @ the Emirates Stadium [discussion]
2 London, UK @ the Emirates Stadium [discussion]
4 London, UK @ the Emirates Stadium [discussion]
7 Sunderland, UK @ the Stadium of Light [discussion]
9 Manchester, UK @ the Etihad Stadium [discussion]
10 Manchester, UK @ the Etihad Stadium [discussion]
22 Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center [discussion]
23 Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center [discussion]
25 Houston, TX @ Toyota Center [discussion]
26 Houston, TX @ Toyota Center [discussion]
28 Tampa, FL @ St. Pete Times Forum [discussion]
29 Miami, FL @ American Airlines Arena [discussion]
JULY 2012
2 Atlanta, GA @ Philips Arena [discussion]
3 Charlotte, NC @ Time Warner Cable Arena [discussion]
5 Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center [discussion]
6 Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center [discussion]
8 Washington, DC @ Verizon Center [discussion]
9 Washington, DC @ Verizon Center [discussion]
23 Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre [discussion]
24 Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre [discussion]
26 Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre [discussion]
27 Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre [discussion]
29 Boston, MA @ TD Garden [discussion]
30 Boston, MA @ TD Garden [discussion]
1 Auburn Hills, MI @ Palace of Auburn Hills [discussion]
3 East Rutherford, NJ @ Izod Center [discussion]
4 East Rutherford, NJ @ Izod Center [discussion]
7 Chicago, IL @ United Center [discussion]
8 Chicago, IL @ United Center [discussion]
11 St. Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center [discussion]
28 Copenhagen, Denmark @ Parken Stadium [discussion]
30 Stockholm, Sweden @ Olympic Stadium [discussion]
2 Paris, France @ Stade de France [discussion]
4 Cologne, Germany @ Rheinenergie Stadium [discussion]
6 The Hague, Netherlands @ Malieveld [discussion]
12 Munich, Germany @ Olympiastadion [discussion]
14 Leipzig, Germany @ Red Bull Stadium [discussion]
16 Prague, Czech Republic @ Slavia Eden Stadium [discussion]
19 Warsaw, Poland @ National Stadium [discussion]
22 Hannover, Germany @ AWD Arena [discussion]
Read also: European Stadium Tour announced! (general discussion thread for the Europe tour)
Read also: North America Tour announced! (general discussion thread for the US/Canada tour)
Read also: 2012: Live Appearances - Easy Thread Finder (last updated - 12th January 2012)
Read also: 2012 tour date rumours (please post dates for ALL countries in here)
Kit yourself up for the forthcoming MX tour and get spotted with Coldplaying's new range of merchandise! [click on the items for the full shop]
The new range of Coldplaying merchanise (unofficial of course to the official shop) has hit our stores, with our biggest range of goods so far. Prices are as low as they can be for a Cafepress shop so more people will be able to afford them. We don't take any profits for the sale of the merchandise as a result. Take a browse in one of the online stores nearest to you: UK | US | Canada | Australia | European (shipping is worldwide, but you can choose what currency to pay in) - simply alter the country dropdown menu at the top of the shop page. [thanks to TracieMorgan and zzz]
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