More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 2000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
May 19, 2011 - submitted by Nick, United States of America
Q. Do you think the rapture is going to happen this Saturday? -Nick C.
The Oracle replies:
Nah. I hope not as I'm off to a birthday party and it would be terribly inconvenient. Maybe I don't need to bother buying a gift just in case though...
May 19, 2011 - submitted by Veikko, Netherlands
Q. Dear Oracle, Do you know on which location the Bigger Stronger video was shot?
The Oracle replies:
The video was filmed at such a famous beach called Durdle Door in Dorset.
May 19, 2011 - submitted by Josh, Argentina
Q. Hi O! Recently, you've mentioned Bob Dylan in some of your answers. Now, have you ever listened to his son Jakob? I like what he's doing nowadays as a soloist, but in fact I'm a huge fan of his band, The Wallflowers... They've got really wonderful songs, and the lyrics are magnificent, true poetry (Jakob's the writer of them all). If you haven't listened to them, I strongly advise you (and everybody) to do so!!! Then, you can tell me what you think ;) Saludos desde Argentina! Chau!! PS- Please answer back!!!!
The Oracle replies:
Yeah I used to work for the label that The Wallflowers were on back in the day. I haven't heard his solo stuff to be honest but that band were pretty good as you say.
May 18, 2011 - submitted by Brooke, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, Do you have any clue who this drawing is supposed to be of?
The Oracle replies:
It's strange sometimes how questions come in. I don't recall ever getting a question about Michael Brauer and then I receive two in the same day! I'd be tempted to guess that the doodle is actually of Michael and that's why he chose it for his gallery. Chris has a habit of drawing and writing on the nearest thing to him be it a table or an Apple mac! Please don't try this at home.
May 18, 2011 - submitted by Fran, Croatia
Q. I heard that Michael H. Brauner, the man who produced Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends is also producing the new Coldplay album. Is this true?
The Oracle replies:
His name is Brauer, not Brauner and he didn't produce Viva nor is he producing this album. I discussed producers last week. What you've done is mistaken mixing for production; Michael is mixing tracks on the album. Production on Viva was by Brian Eno, Markus Dravs, Rik Simpson and Jon Hopkins.
May 17, 2011 - submitted by Sam, United Kingdom
Q. Hello Oracle, Last year I purchased a copy of LeftRightLeftRightLeft off of Ebay. When I was looking at the CD recently I noticed it says on the bottom side around the centre. Does this make it a fake? If it is it's a very good one because it's taken me a year to notice it!!! Thanks for your time! Sam
The Oracle replies:
Mine says on the flip side's centre too and I assure you mine is not a fake so chances are yours isn't either.
May 17, 2011 - submitted by Daniel, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, You mentioned in a recent post that you're not a Bob Dylan fan. I was just wondering why not, musically, and is there a Dylan song that you do enjoy? Sincerely, Dan
The Oracle replies:
He's got soma amazing songs, I can't argue with that but I find his vocal style very irritating and not to my taste. That is all. I may be alone in that but hey, I embrace those difference of opinions.
May 17, 2011 - submitted by Eduardo, Mexico
Q. Hola! I just watched the What We Are video and I can say it is a little pesimist. I know we have big issues in our actual world, and that a lot of people just make those issues bigger, but don't you think that there are a lot more of us who are trying to make a change? The video also talks about us having a Great Potential, but in the end it just says that we are "animals" (I'm not denying that biologicaly talking) who donnot are making anything to change the situation. Well, those are my thoughts, what do you think? Saludos desde Mexico! Lalo
The Oracle replies:
Oh you mean on the Hypnofeed, I was wondering what Coldplay song you were referring to. It's good that the video made you think, that's sort of the point I guess. Either the video maker is very cynical or they may have a point. What I think is that as long as people like you are watching it and disagreeing, there's hope for the future eh?
May 16, 2011 - submitted by Lois, Australia
Q. Dear Oracle, I remember seeing a little while ago a question I believe asking if there were any pictures of Coldplay on train tracks. There was a link to a website on it that had some beautiful pictures of the band, but I can no longer find the question or the link. Would you be able to tell me the link? If not, would you be able to suggest some other beautiful pictures of the band perhaps? Thank you :)
The Oracle replies:
Yes, here they are.
May 16, 2011 - submitted by Tyler, United States of America
Q. In the intro in the Roadie book, it says that the band is currently working on a biography. Is this true? If so, how is it coming along?
The Oracle replies:
"They're working on it" is news to me. They're not working on it as they're way too busy working on the album. There was almost one in the pipeline a few years ago but it's not even on the back burner; it's way further back than that.
May 12, 2011 - submitted by Alison, New Zealand
Q. Will Coldplay ever come to New Zealand? They're the most amazing band and the only band I've ever been truly passionate about. I'm pretty sure that they've never been to New Zealand before. but they have so many fans out here! It would be a true miracle if they came here!
The Oracle replies:
I can't say if/when they're coming back but they HAVE played New Zealand twice. In fact the last time they played at the
May 12, 2011 - submitted by Samuel, Nigeria
Q. How many Grammies has Coldplay won?
The Oracle replies:
There's actually a list of Grammy nominations & wins showing seven wins.
May 11, 2011 - submitted by Catalina, Mexico
Q. Hi Oracle! Hey I have a pair of questions 2 U. First of all como estas? Second one, does Roadie is going to make a Live Photoblog of the festivals like he did it when the guys went to Liverpool and New Castle? That Would be AMAZING!! Thanks Oracle!! Que tengas un buen dia!!!
The Oracle replies:
Muy bien gracias. Hope you had a great Cinco de Mayo. It's not a Roadie who does the live blogging from certain shows (like Liverpool & Newcastle in December), it's Anchorman. Anchorman has blogged during tour dates not just special events so I am sure there will be more in the future but perhaps not during the impending festival season. Thanks by the way, you have a good day too.
May 11, 2011 - submitted by Nevermind, United Kingdom
Q. Dear q, in your answer to Lilac about Fix You, do you by any chance mean a song from the album Blood on the Tracks by genius Bob Dylan? I know Coldplay know this album, as there were some songs in their Song-inspiration poster (from what ever award show) from the album. Which track do you mean?
The Oracle replies:
Were you reading the answer on a phone that doesn't show hyperlinks perhaps? No, it was not a Bob Dylan song. I am not a fan actually. I know, I know... Click the clickable link when you get a chance to see what amazing track it was.
May 11, 2011 - submitted by Madison, United States of America
Q. Hello Awesome Oracle, I was just wondering, out of curiousity, what your 5 favorite bands are right now? Thanks a million, Madison
The Oracle replies:
Other than Coldplay? I'm going to answer this solely on the albums by bands (as you were specific) I have been listening to most recently: Beastie Boys - their new album, Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, is amazing. The Temper Trap - Conditions still standing strong in my favourites. Foo Fighters - I like their new album but still listening to Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace regularly to be honest. Radiohead - King of Limbs isn't my favourite (OK Computer is), but it's still nice to have new Radiohead material. Elbow - Build a Rocket Boys! is a great successor to their favourite of mine.
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