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    [Oxfam's Coldplay Blog] Conversations, Not Numbers

    magicballoxfam.jpgHello world! I’m writing this as I look over the view in my room of a very quaint Calgary, Alberta in Canada. We crossed the border into Canada on a 16-hour bus ride a few days ago after a string of amazing shows in San Antonio, Des Moines, and Omaha. The ride was the much-needed opportunity for my bus-mates and I to lounge in our pajamas all day and watch television. It also marked the end of the first leg of the US portion of the tour. I bet you’re wondering how Oxfam America did in terms of sign-ups…


    Well, I work very hard to resist the impulse to follow our sign-up numbers because they are never a measure of success for me. Team sizes, weather, and venue type/capacity almost always factor into the total number of sign-ups. Also, the goal of Oxfam’s being on tour with Coldplay is to use the access to millions of people all over the world that the tour provides us in order to have conversations with people about how they can fight poverty at the local, national, and global level.


    Read the full blog entry with pictures at the Oxfam Blog website here onwards.







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