If you've been MIA today and haven't yet heard the 'Postcards From Far Away' Project news - it's that the feedback that Coldplay fans have been waiting for since sending out postcards from around the world is now online. Watch the video of Coldplay reading fans' postcards now at www.coldplaying.com/postcards. There is also a short story behind the delivery of the postcards, which comes courtesy of Coldplay's fan liaisor, Debs Wild:
Ok so now we have the video, I can talk about the day if you like. When I got there to arrange all the postcards (I don't know how many there were in the end, i didn't count, sorry!), Will was already in the room and he kept wandering over asking Q's. I was shooing him away. Then Guy came along and did the same, and then Jonny. It was no easy feat keeping them from picking up cards and asking about the project. Finally I got some time alone to make sure each card could be seen when you walked around them.
I sat at the table as they ate lunch when Chris arrived. Ever the comedian he walked in and shouted "Any post?"
He was also impressed but again, I coaxed him away. After lunch the band got some proper time to have a look at the cards. I'd always wanted the video to be set to the song and I realize it means that it's a short film but I think it's perfect. Thanks to Roadie #42 and his assistant cameraman for the filming. I'm not sure if you'll be able to spot your cards but I can vouch for the fact they spent a long time looking at them all.
They were absolutely blown away by the project, the effort, the handwriting, the locations, the creations and special mention to the Studebaker car with VIVA on the side as that was one of the first cards that everyone who was there picked up!
I obviously saw all the cards many times and can remember them all I reckon. I recall Ian's Manchester card, the caricature of Chris (it didn't offend but gave us all a laugh), the countless beautiful butterfly cards (including confetti from shows and one that scared me to death when I opened it; butterflies FLEW out!), the montage photo cards (including "Phil is Hot"), VIVA, cartoon drawings, live photos, George W, recreating Viva video, Johnny Cash, Christmas cards, hand stitched... the list goes on.
They all kept saying how brilliant and talented their fans are and shared cards with each other. As you can see they were in a jovial mood and it ended with the LiTii puppets joining in. They were sat with postcards on their laps and of course gave the thankyou speech. It was so great to see cards from Peru, Chile, Finland, Paris, Croatia, Australia, States... well you know, you sent them!... from EVERYWHERE!
Thanks for doing it guys it was a lovely idea and really appreciated.
Sorry if you don't spot yours or if I didn't mention it but that doesn't make it any less amazing. You're all fantastic! x
Once again on behalf of Coldplaying a big thanks and thumbs up to the organisers of the project - ApproximatelyInfinite, Lore, Zemy101, everyone who sent in a postcard(s), and of course Debs Wild, Roadie #42, Anchorman... and Coldplay!
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