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    TV Review: Extras - Episode 4 With Chris Martin of Coldplay

    chrisextras1.jpgThis episode of Extras is definitely one for the British fans and being one of them, I loved every minute of it.


    What makes this such a joy for the home crowd is the wealth of celebrity guests on offer. Richard Briers, Ronnie Corbett and Stephen Fry are practically household names in the UK. I can’t say for sure, but my guess is that most American audiences won’t have a clue who any of them are.


    One guest who will be known to viewers on the other side of the Atlantic is Coldplay’s Chris Martin. I’m not a fan of Coldplay, Martin’s mournful vocals on EVERY song put me off. I mean he’s a million-selling rock star, you’d think he’d have something to smile about.

    But as a person he’s won me over after his appearance here. He sends up the charitable rock star type brilliantly. He’s even good when he makes a guest appearance on Andy’s sitcom When the Whistle Blows…at least until he starts to sing.


    With Martin’s guest spot over with, the rest of the episode concentrates on Andy’s BAFTA nomination for Best Comedy Performance.


    When Maggie is treated rudely in a designer clothes store while shopping for a dress to wear to the awards dinner, Andy decides to use his celebrity status to play the hero. Gervais is brilliant here, it would be so easy to overdo things and by doing so kill the scene but he lets the situation bring out the laughs rather than try to play it funny.


    The dress brings more laughs as Andy and Maggie arrive at the ceremony, this time provided by Ashley Jensen. She can play straight drama; she showed that with Eleventh Hour co-starring Patrick Stewart. Yet comedy is her true calling, her timing is flawless and she’s every bit Gervais’ equal in front of the camera. She even has me wanting to watch Ugly Betty.


    Richard Briers' encounter with an Andy Millman doll and his two word put down of Andy gets him a standing ovation at the awards and is one of the episode's highlights. As is Andy's encounter with Stephen Fry in the gents toilet; no, not that sort of encounter!


    However, it is that national treasure Ronnie Corbett who provides the night's finest moment. Caught doing cocaine with Andy’s agent with Andy on hand as an unwitting accomplice, they find themselves brought before the mighty BAFTA. The diminutive comedian steals the scene even before he opens his mouth.


    After one final embarrassment for Andy the credits roll, but there’s one final comedy gem to be treasured post credits featuring Moira Stewart. I bet all the American’s are saying “who the hell is Moira Stewart?”


    Source: http://blogcritics.org

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