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    'Postcards from Far Away' Project: Coldplay Address Coming Soon!

    postcardsstamp1.pngFor full guidelines and rules please go to http://www.coldplaying.com/postcards


    A reminder that you can send a postcard to Coldplay courtesy of our exclusive Coldplaying.com 'Postcards from Far Away' project.


    You can send postcards to the band from anywhere in the world. The project was inspired by the song Postcards From Far Away which is featured on the forthcoming Prospekt's March EP, due for release in mid-November. The project is simply a way to say thanks to the Coldplay for this amazing year - which included the release of the fourth album Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends, and a sold out US and European tour.


    You can send them a postcard to a PO Box address - which will be available around 21st November - and the postcards will then be given to the band. You can either buy a local postcard from your own country or make your own postcard, using the templates here.


    Christmas 2008 posting dates for international airmail and surface mail

    Within your postcard you can write a personal message of thanks to the band, and make sure to say where your postcard is sent from! Please ensure your postcard is no bigger than a standard size postcard - 10x15 cms (4x6 inches). Full details of the postal address and a start/closing date for delivery will be posted shortly here on Coldplaying.com [thanks ApproximatelyInfinite & Lore]


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