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    Win a festival-themed radio show for Coldplaying! Vote for us in Absolute Radio Live Stories FINAL!

    absoluteradio.jpgWHERE: Absolute Radio Live Stories Competition

    WHO: David Sheppard (coldplaying.com)

    WHEN: Now!

    WHAT: Please vote for David Sheppard (coldplaying.com) now!


    Coldplaying.com has made it to the final of Absolute Radio's Live Stories competition where the prize up for grabs is a special live festival-themed radio show for Coldplaying on Absolute Radio with songs hand picked by you, the Coldplayers! We are voting for Chavi Loch (via David Shepperd) and the excellent review of U2 at Wembley last month. So grab some Coldplay Karma and please cast your vote for Chavi Loch (coldplaying.com) at http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/livestories now! (no registration required)


    Win a festival-themed radio show for Coldplaying! Please vote for Chavi Loch (coldplaying.com) in Absolute Radio


    Voting ends on Friday 2nd October, so you have only a few days to gather your Coldplay friends and make those votes count! Please help spread the word about this competition, tell people to vote Coldplaying and help win a radio show for everyone associated with Coldplay!

    Win a festival-themed radio show for Coldplaying! Please vote for Dave/U2 in Absolute Radio


    Chris Martin at Absolute Radio studios, 30th January 2009




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