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    First reactions to Ghost Stories Live 2014!

    coldplay-midnight-liveGhost Stories Live 2014 was released to a few countries yesterday ahead of it's Monday worldwide outing as the Coldplayers living in Germany, Australia, Ireland, France and The Netherlands had their exclusive first plays of the new Coldplay live film set. Excited fans took to the forums, Facebook and Twitter to voice their delight. Here are the first reactions, while the whole world waits for the full release on Monday! This is of course without revealing spoilers of what's actually included in the unseen footage such as the Magic video (Director's cut) and Ink (Live at the Royal Albert Hall). You can experience the fantastic pieces of Coldplay film for yourself on Monday if you haven't already!Danceteacher, from Germany on the forums was one the first to receive it and certainly the most patient!

    I came home late and it was in my mailbox I will restrain myself from watching it till December when I will watch it together with some other Coldplayers including Batman

    Viva_La_Coldplay / @AprilXyloto reviewed Ghost Stories Live 2014, telling us their highlights and not giving much away at the same time.

    I think the extras on Live 2014 are particularly good. I watched the film for the first time yesterday and although I'm sure a lot of us have seen the film before, having the unseen extras makes it feel really worth buying.The extended Magic video is absolutely superb. I can see how the band obviously wanted to make it a short film, rather than a music video, and the song itself really benefits from having that extra few minutes on either side of what we'd already seen. That extra time has allowed us to see that the story is being told by Chris' character in the future. Basically he's a master of magic and he's telling us how that came to be. At the end he asks which one he is - as in, is the character we see in the future the good guy or bad guy? It sort of made me think a little deeper about Magic itself, it's taken on quite a different meaning for me now: I feel like the end (which I won't give away) might even be symbolic of Chris' prediction of his own future. That only makes me love Magic even more! It was also wonderful to see the music video in colour. Everyone is going to love it!Probably my favourite part on the dvd was the inclusion of Ink live from RAH. The effects and lights look absolutely stunning, and I feel this live version is actually better than the studio recording. As soon as it started my heart jumped into my throat. It's so, *so* achingly beautiful. It will be especially wonderful for the fans who were lucky enough to be there that night! It would be great if we could get a full film of just the RAH show, I think many will agree. From the looks of Ink, it would translate absolutely incredibly to film. Live 2014 rounds off the Ghost Stories era. It's been so different to any era that's passed. I mean, we've basically had an era start and end in the same year, and the emotion that has come with it has been so much more raw - and obvious - than anything we've had before. It seems fitting to have ended such a different time with a different type of film, more arty than Live 2003 or 2012. It's almost like they wanted to throw in a few extras to make the fans know they haven't forgotten how much we love those live clips! I love how unique it is and the inclusion of so many great extras. I can't wait to see how this takes them into LP7.

    On the good guy and bad guy comparison, please read or listen to the Ghost Stories walkthrough, from Chris Martin earlier on in the week and also, the Zane Lowe and Chris interview, from just before the Ghost Stories release. Both of those will make the film a much more immersive experience!

    Social reaction

    A shout to the Coldplayers enjoying Ghost Stories Live 2014 so far!

    YES, I got it ! #coldplay #ghoststories #live #2014 #music #itunes http://t.co/Wt4R5VNNBm

    ā€” Brian (@bribrike) November 22, 2014

    I'm already purchased Coldplay - Ghost Stories Live 2014! This band is amazing THANK YOU MAKING GREAT MUSIC & LIVE PERFORMANCE @coldplay

    ā€” i.faizal (@ifzlothmn) November 21, 2014

    Got ghost stories live today! @coldplay #ghoststories #live #holland pic.twitter.com/R3Vglu3nVP

    ā€” geschiedennis (@dubbelddegen_) November 21, 2014
    Ghost Stories Live 2014 gets a huge thumbs up from our Facebook followers including Manuel Neumann and Noelene Hewitt.Facebook - Ghost Stories Live 2014

    Release day!

    It's almost here everyone! Ghost Stories Live 2014 is officially out on Monday! Remember to leave your reviews on the forums and let us know what you think.

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