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    Another's Arms - The Haunting Ghost Story


    Late night watching TV, after Midnight during the 'dark core' of Coldplay's Ghost Stories. Another's Arms is mysterious yet simple in the lyrics and undoubtedly haunting.


    Welcomed back with open arms!


    On the 11th March, Coldplay returned to delight millions of fans tuning in across the world, at the iTunes Festival in Austin, Texas. Another's Arms was one of the two previously unheard tracks (with opener, Always In My Head) performed on the night. The first live version of the sixth Ghost Stories track wasn't polished and appeared as more of a ballad, coupled with a brilliant Jonny Buckland solo guitar near the climax of the track. The 'woman's voice', which is believed to be computer generated, adds the haunting element that's prevalent through the studio version. The song was generally popular with the watching fans, who were greatly impressed by Jonny's role.


    The Indonesian 'exclusive'


    Indonesia, a country with many dedicated Coldplayers, who are all eagerly awaiting the day Coldplay arrive in their home country to what will be a rapturous reception!


    Accidents do happen and one happened at iTunesHQ a few weeks before the release date, which was Another's Arms being released instead of the planned release for Midnight. It resulted in the track being made available in Indonesia, where a very keen fan(s) (who is probably reading this!) downloaded the song after it was uploaded to purchase for a very short period. The track somehow managed not to leak until a day before the official streaming!


    Chris' journey


    The lyrics of Another's Arms are of a personal nature to Chris Martin and the words "Late night watching TV, used to be you here beside me, used to be your arms around me, your body on my body" are seemingly related to recent event's in Chris' life and are part of the open and honest nature of the album as a whole. When trying to make sense of these lyrics in the context of the album, the Ghost Stories film/TV special gave us an insight into the emotional story.


    Coldplay's Another's Arms - Ghost Stories film


    It appeared as if Chris had a shadow hanging over him and to set himself free (jogging to the taxi), he needed to reflect (On the pier during Oceans) then come through even stronger with the shining light at the end of the tunnel (A Sky Full Of Stars). What do you see? Watch the clip below from the secret LA show (not Las Vegas as the video suggests!)



    The release and reaction


    By the time Ghost Stories was officially released, Another's Arms was the 'quiet' track of the album, already being played numerous times by fans since the iTunes Festival and because of the excitement of previously unheard tracks such as Ink and True Love. The studio version is distorted with more of a 'restless' feel than the live version in a way which really captures the mood of the darker section within Ghost Stories.


    The reaction from the fans post-release was once again, largely positive with over 50% of the votes being 9 or 10 out of 10!


    Poll Results - Another's Arms


    Now, for a set of great fan reviews on Another's Arms


    Wilson on the messageboards gave the haunting track a perfect 10!


    I don't think O is the highlight for this album, Another's Arms is! Yeah we could all go "what the freak did they did with the album version" but I would completely disagree, the studio version was just 100% better! Disappearing piano, unclear guitar riff, superb synth, it was all a beaut! A haunting kind of songs which tied between happy-sad tone which tells you a great and wonderful moments we had with our best person but at the end we kinda like spoiled it out. I think this is one of the best songs Coldplay ever pulled, and it is a standout to me.



    Ronnie O Sullivan (Presumably a big fan of the famous snooker player!) posted a very interesting comparison to the Major Minus studio version.


    The "Major Minus"-Problem:


    Just to compare, when i first listened to Major Minus when they performed it at Rock am Ring back in 2011, i was blown away !

    With the album version came the big disappointment. Everything what i loved about the live version was gone. Chris voice, Jonnys guitar,everything.

    Still, Major Minus is not that bad but....


    Same for Anothers Arms. It was my favourite from the live performed songs. Of course, the lyrics may be weak but i am fine with that.

    I just have the strong feeling that they could have done so much better with the studio version, which is(like MM) still good. But all the power and emotions they delivered live

    are totally gone on Ghost Stories. Everythings appears a bit driven back and i dont know why that was necessary. Anothers Arms could have been a really powerful song because it definitely has the potential for being a really Coldplay-Classic. So this only remains for the live version..just like Major Minus.


    Live: 10/10

    Studio: 7/10


    A detailed and postive review was written by RhysBP


    True Love may be quite sad but it’s nowhere as sad as Another’s Arms. Here, listeners get to listen to Martin moan on about how is lover has moved on with someone else. I’ll say right off the top that the lyrics in Another’s Arms sound quite amateur.


    The song features the same elements as some of the other songs on the album - electronic drums, idling synthesizers and the occasional piano. However, the main ‘star’ on this song is the pre-recorded voice of an anonymous female vocalist. Like the piano on the previous track, it helps bridge the verses.


    Seeing as this one of four songs heard live before the release of the album, fans were greeted with a demanding burst of passion and exuberance. However, on the studio recording, the production makes the song come off a bit soft sounding. That’s the only disappointment I can find in the song.


    Having said that, the last two minutes of the song are quite special. Buckland delivers another guitar solo and although it could’ve been more prominent, it instantly demands your attention. The melody changes slightly to allow the song to sound more aching and even a vocal sample of Jane Weaver’s song Silver Chord can be heard. The song finishes off nicely with a repeat of the opening chorus and thus completes the saddest song on the album.


    Down the track, I don’t know if the band will play this song live after the Ghost Stories era but one thing can be said. Along with Politik, Major Minus and God Put A Smile Upon Your Face, Another’s Arms is a song that sounds much better live.


    RATING - 4/5


    and SeeYouSoon42 does not rate the lyrics, which is a common criticism for the track.


    Another's Arms is my least favourite song on the album. The lyrics in the first verse are, in my opinion cheesy and just not very good. This ruins the whole song. The rest of the song is brilliant but I just can't forget the first verse and every time I think "Okay, I'll give AA another go, I'm probably being too harsh on it" I end up hearing the first verse and just get the urge to skip it.


    Despite this, musically it is great and the sample of the lady singing is one of my favourite bits on the album. Unfortunately though I have to give Another's Arms a 6/10


    Wait for your call...


    The next stop : The lonely pier for Coldplay's seventh and very atmospheric track from Ghost Stories, Oceans.


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