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    Munich Memories of a Lifetime

    Imagine you make a sign and were actually allowed to bring it into Munich's Olympiastadium for Tuesday's Coldplay AHFOD European tour leg. Given the strict unannounced ban on bringing all bags, umbrellas, etc. into the stadium, this in itself is a good start to the evening. Now pretend that during the show, your sign caught Chris Martin's eye. Pretty unlikely, no? When Chris takes you up on your sign's offer to play Everglow for you and calls you the B-stage, then invites you to take his place at the keyboards....now your life just changed!


    For one very lucky piano-playing young man, Ferdinand Schwartz, that is exactly what happened. It gets better. He overcame what to anyone would require nerves of steel to play what Chris termed a "German/British Union", encouraging keeping Europe together (BREXIT, anyone?). As soon as Ferdinand struck his first chords, Chris joked that he (Chris) might as well go home! 


    Ferdinand beautifully played the entire piece, with a highlight coming around 4:20 into the video, when he perfectly handled the piano interlude. Chris cued him to quietly lead into the Martin Luther King recording, which he adeptly did. In a very classy move, Ferdinand took to Twitter to show his gratitude to Chris, calling it one of the most beautiful memories of his life. Indeed, Coldplay fans are taking his cue and there will surely be some crash keyboard lessons and sign-making ahead of future shows.


    Magical memory #2 was for the entire Munich crowd, Chris's announcement that they were all taking part in the filming of part of the Something Just Like This video. Showing a box made for the video, Chris revealed that another lucky young man would be acting the part of the child in the video. The band, meanwhile, would play a part of the song twice, once for the video. The video is due out in two weeks. Post-show speculation on the Forums is that something may not have worked out, as the band did not repeat any of the song. Apparently, their young star was not having anything of the second take the band and producer Matt Whitecross wanted. After the show, Chris decided to forego the usual cart ride and ran past the audience. All of which make the start to this European leg even more memorable!

















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