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    Gwyneth Paltrow: 'Marriage to Chris Martin is hard'

    gwyneth9.jpgGoodness knows what was in her hors d'oeuvres but the normally cagey Gwyneth Paltrow jokingly fretted her hubby Chris Martin would 'kill her' after she accidentally started spewing details of their top-secret marriage, according to various media sources today.


    Starting her slip, she alluded to the couple's different acting and musical careers, admitting: "It's hard! Nothing is as good as it looks. Life is complicated, and there are always issues to overcome. Yesterday, he went to Australia, and I came here; you have to accept that."


    But she said their time spent apart is always glued together with 'honesty'. "We're brutally honest with each other," she said before apparently realising she may have said too much. Paltrow then looked to the couple's future, revealing: 'Even if, God forbid, we weren't together in 10 years or whatever, I think we're like a family.'


    More on this at the Coldplay forum here onwards [thanks mimixxx & Roberta]

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