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    Paltr-Ow! Gwyneth Takes A Knock On The Knees

    Whatever has happened to Gwyneth Paltrow? Surely Pilates isn't classified as a dangerous sport. The 34-year old Shallow Hal star was seen leaving a hair salon hobbling on a pair of crutches after injuring her right knee. Her glossy Hollywood look was slightly ruined by the standard issue supports, along with her heavily bandaged knee, but at least she managed to get to the hair salon, despite the obvious impediment to her mobility.


    Known almost as well for her macrobiotic diet as she is for her acting, clearly Gwyneth has found out it isn't the cure for all of her health issues. The Mother-of-two, who has been forced to take a short break from filming her latest movie Iron Man, in which she stars with Robert Downey Jnr, will no doubt be hopping mad (groan).


    Usually, the shy and retiring actress is determined not to be spotted by fans or the press and buries her head in her hands, or holds a bag up to her face. Perhaps this is how she injured herself in the first place. But now, Gwyneth, who is married to Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, 30, and lives in north London with their children Apple, three, and Moses, 18 months, doesn't have a free hand to hide herself.


    More on this and for more pictures click here



    Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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