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    Roadie #44 – The Beehive janitor’s blog to satisfy the masses

    roadie44a.jpgCheck out the brand new first (and possibly last) alternative Coldplaying LP5 blog entry from Roadie number 44: #44 succumbs to the impatient


    Read the full entry and discuss this blog at the Coldplay forum here onwards [thanks NumbersGirl AKA R#44]


    So even though you all are fully aware by now that the band has not been in the studio recently (not in its entirety, anyway), you still whine about the lack of reports from the lovely Roadie #42. What exactly is it that you would like him to report, I wonder? “Hello. I’m here to report that the band isn’t in the studio right now. Goodbye.” I don’t think so. And he has been ordered to take a break anyway...

    I must say that I enjoy reviewing your analysis of 42’s previous blogs, how you read way too much into every detail, even insinuating that he hints at track titles with “quotations”, drool over the solar system bit, etc. So, with Roadie #42 on break, Roadie #43 on hiatus or M.I.A., I give you – ME. Roadie #44: the janitor of the Beehive. I’m not sure that I can come anywhere near the aforementioned in terms of storytelling, but I will try. Because you know, there’s ALL SORTS of juicy things going on when the band’s not here. Yeah.


    Janitor, you ask? Well of course; the band needs to someone to keep the Beehive relatively clean while they are away. The hours are great; it’s not your typical 9-to-5 job. Although there’s no music-making going on in the studio “at the moment”, and Roadie #42 was ordered to take a break, he does still occasionally pop in from time to time. He just can’t stay away! And I also occasionally see this tall, “lanky lad” bringing cigarettes to and from the Beehive. I haven’t asked his name, and he otherwise doesn’t look familiar. I’m just going to pretend that he’s Guy’s personal assistant.




    Aside from the occasional Roadie #42 and lanky lad sightings, the only living things keeping me company whilst cleaning are all the plants. Those. Damned. Plants. I’m a janitor, not a horticulturist. Pruning the greenery is not in my job description. You know that lounge area that he mentioned in an earlier blog? The plants are even starting to take over that area, too...


    Read the rest of the blog entry here (recommended!)


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