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    Coldplay Didn't Copy Us, Says American Band

    coldplaynme.jpgThe American band which accused Coldplay of stealing their music has admitted that the allegations might be unfounded.


    Creaky Boards, a little-known US group, had claimed that Coldplay's latest single, Viva La Vida, was taken from a song they wrote last year. In a video posted on YouTube, the video sharing website, the group's singer said that The Songs I Didn't Write bore a "striking" similarity to Coldplay's new single.


    Andrew Hoepfner pointed the finger firmly at Chris Martin, saying that Coldplay's frontman attended a Creaky Boards concert in New York last year.

    However, the singer has now taken back the accusations. "As this thing unfolds, I'm not sure if there was any copying going on," he said. "I think it's possible that Coldplay and I are just heavily influenced by 'The Legend of Zelda [a fantasy adventure computer game].


    Coldplay had categorically denied the allegations. Murray Chalmers, the band's spokesman, said that Viva La Vida was written last March, more than six months before Creaky Boards claim that Chris went to see them.


    "We totally refute their claims,' he said. "Chris has never heard of the band. On the night that they claim he was watching them, he was actually working at the Air Studio in London."


    More on the plagiarism row here

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