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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - 'Where The Action Is' festival, Gothenburg, Sweden (28th June 2011)

    Coldplay gave a flawless performance at the 'Where The Action Is' festival in Gothenburg, Sweden tonight (28th June 2011), their first in concert in Sweden since 2008. The setlist was exactly the same as the previous performance at Glastonbury on Saturday, minus the rendition of Wonderful World, which means they once again played live favourites Shiver and Everything's Not Lost from the first album Parachutes. The same new tracks from the previous festival performances were also played, minus of course Princess Of China, which hasn't been seen since Rock im Park.


    During the concert several banners were seen, including "See You Soon" and "Chris are your underpants Fair Trade?" and Chris Martin also dedicated Us Against The World to the the person furthest at the back, '200 metres in the trees'. The concert was streamed live on the Swedish media website, Aftonbladet and the stream was excellent, so the show will appear soon no doubt on filesharing sites if you missed it or just want to relive it again. Keep an eye on the Multimedia forum for updates.


    More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum. Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110628wtai16a.jpgSetlist (confirmed):


    MX/Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus


    The Scientist


    Violet Hill

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Everything's Not Lost

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown

    Life Is For Living



    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    I thought the gig tonight was fantastic. The setlist gives me goosebumps for Oxegen next week and I can't wait to see the close-out to Parachutes being played like 11 years later with Everything's Not Lost and Life is for Living. The crowd were really really good in parts but the band didn't seem so pumped tonight, I guess anything is a huge comedown from Glaso though. But, the band were still really great and they played an immense set, to an immense crowd, in an immense way. Roll on Dublin!!! [thanks Craigie-J]


    Coldplay was superb tonight at Where The Action Is and here's my review! I watched the concert from livestream and the setlist was as great as Glastonbury's! They performed in the daylight so you could see all the big audience joining the band while playing, as jumping, dancing, clapping or shouting the lyrics to the band! They really improved the version of "Everything's Not Lost", mainly the piano riff and the guitar (...it seems that the boys have been rehearsing it!). I also noticed outerspace new sounds for "Charlie Brown" and a more rockin' guitar sound for "Fix You" and "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face"! During "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" the things turned out much better because it got a bit dark, so the lasers and lightshow was pretty amazing. I guess that encouraged the crowd to jump together, it was impressive! I'd like to add the fact that the band seemed very confident on stage, Chris on the piano in special... he's a real pianist! [thanks Coldplero]

    A fantastic gig musically, and an absolutely unbelievable crowd, but I felt the band didn't play to it they could and should have. Little or no room for the crowd participation after Viva, ENL, The Scientist, and so the set also had little room to 'breathe'. Without those breaks, and the band themselves taking it all in, it felt (to me) like a mad rush through the Glastonbury set. Without those more expansive moments, and What a Wonderful World as well, this set needs an extra song or two. The front-loading of many of the favourites only makes sense to me if the mid-to-late set is given all the loving it deserves, to really wring every last drop of crowd pleasure out of, and it wasn't here. It was a set designed for Glastonbury, imported wholesale to Sweden for major (but far from maximum) effect. The Swedish fans deserved more I felt. But I hope each and every one had an incredible night. It was brilliant, and I'd have given almost anything to be there myself, because despite it not being all it had the almost-tangible potential to be, it was still a magnificent occasion, even through a choppy window on a PC screen. /critics' hat off. Thanks a lot everyone, it's been fun [thanks Tonsu]


    I read a few pages back that some people thought the crowd wasn't any good, I think the stream most people followed didn't do the crowd justice. For me it was one of the best audiences I've been in We had some great peaks, especially in the beginning with Yellow & In My Place. You could really tell it by Chris's reaction. This gig also changed my view on ETIAW. I thought it worked great in the end with the lasers and everyone around you going nuts. Too "poppy" or not, it makes you happy! [thanks nedllob]


    i'm guessing the 'problem' was that not everyone was there ONLY for Coldplay, but for other bands though it was a festival. Where I stood (at the fence to the left) many people didn't even know the oldest and the newest songs, kinda sad to see them wrinkle their eyebrows when they started playing the sooo beautiful song everyhing's not lost or the newest ones like charlie brown. Not the same feeling as at their 'private' concerts, so the 'problem' might be LAZY and QUIET audience - at least where i stood (ofc except from someones). although - a lot of tears and love and happiness and chris really seems to be better looking now than ever before. [thanks LINNEAH]


    i must say that i was rather, well i wouldnt call it dissapointed, but.. i dunno, it wasn't as good as i expected. it was GREAT ofc, but.. yeah you know what i mean. anyway, might be that anna has been hyping coldplay gigs for the last years so my expactations was too high. i think the setlist was amazing, would have prefered 42 or strawberry swing though. and uhm yeah speed of sound but guess thats not happening. well the entire day was amazing, thanks to anna, frida, fridas-friend-whoms-name-i-cant-remember, olivia and olivias-friend-whoms-name-i-cant-remember. summary of the day: amazing crowd, amazing band, amazing setlist. (though i missed that little "extra"). [thanks thinner]


    I don't know, it's hard to tell watching from a streaming who kept skipping once in a while but I would have rather been there than in my own hometwon considering the show they got, far far better (I mean Shiver+ENL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x100000000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cemeteries of London) [thanks iriden]


    Captures from the live Aftonbladet online stream (Thanks Jayzo):
































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