Coldplay has released the video for Paradise this morning on
In the end, Coldplay, recently on tour in South Africa, said they were so taken by the beauty of the land, the cities and especially the sunshine, they decided to shoot a video there, starting in Cape Town. Today's release is the culmination of that as well as filming in London's underground system and also the recent Johannesburg concert where Chris asked the audience to participate, and the last segment of the video is taken live from the show at FNB Stadium on October 8, 2011.
Let us know at the Paradise sub-forum what you thought of the video and don't forget to add your 1-10 sliding scale rating in the latest poll! You can also download the video from multimedia here [thanks Vincent664, chrisnz & iriden]
Some of your early comments on the new Paradise video (released 19th October 2011):
I love it! I'm so glad they don't take themselves too seriously, it's a really fun video. I'm also a little biased because I just loved seeing parts of SA and re-living the Joburg concert (also analysing every second of the concert footage in an attempt to spot myself). [thanks Fairycat101]
Not sure what I think of it yet. Certainly more interesting than most Coldplay videos (Life in Technicolor ii and Strawberry Swing are obvious exceptions), but I don't really like that concert scene at the end. The camera-work isn't nearly as smooth and, dare I say it, artistic as the rest of the video, and as a result it seems kind of jarring. The elephant group hug is kind of endearing though. [thanks Hartroc]
Dear Santa, I want a Williphant for christmas! I don't care for the song, but the video is downright precious gold! [thanks kjones31]
ELEPHANTASTIC. I loved it and got goosebumps. When it was finished I looked up at - not the stars - but at the open VH1 Denmark - and it was Coldplay with VIVA LA VIDA. So a wonderful start of Tuesday here in Denmark (it is now 6:18 and it is still dark). But very nice and touching with the homecoming of the elephant. Happy tears. [thanks nancyk58]
Hahahahaha! I LOVED it! I think it's awesome. So glad it isn't some depressing video about a girl. Too obvious for a video idea. This is so much better. Love that it's so random and silly and have nothing to do with the song. Just like the The Hardest Part video. [thanks shred]
BEST VIDEO I'VE EVER SEEN. it has those sulky lyrics about running away in her sleep, and then BAM. ELEPHANTS. ON UNICYCLES. hahahahaha. I literally had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. I think it shows that they don't take Paradise as a song too seriously either, which is fantastic they could have had some serious video with some lonely girl walking the streets or some shit, but instead they have Chris as an elephant. on a unicycle. and doing the moonwalk. so amazing. Favorite parts: the Chris-elephant street dancing montage; the part on the airplane with the trunk sneaking food; Jonny-elephant's hat and Guy-elephant's "cool" face; Chris on a unicycle. this video has made my day, and it's only 1AM[thanks notlost92]
hahhahaha. Oh my god, That video is sooooo silly. I love the fact taht coldplay does whatever the hell they want too, My favorite part was when Chris was riding the unicycle and he thumbed for a ride, and then just dropped his arms mate? and the train scene. Everyone's just sitting around Theres an elephant on my train... [thanks cackyy]
Actually enjoyed the video - man, matt whitcross really does a good job with coldplay material given what the band probably wanted to do - still am interested what the hype williams version looked like esp w/ the girl actually being the centerpiece of the song. Still glad to see the band enjoying themselves, though - they really have a good camraderie and chemistry - Can u imagine if Jonny or Guy were as dominant as Chris was - hopefully this band stays together for a long time. They've got the magic, that's for sure. [thanks bdevil89]
I thought it was weird when I heard about it... But seriously? I am so confused what sort of even slight relevance it has. And also, if that is the elephants family-- it's in an all male herd which rarely/never happens. /realisticsciencenerd. I really do enjoy it though. It's brought a smile to my face and I really can't stop laughing at it. A mediocre song saved by a slightly quirky video. [thanks Nattatouille]
I love this video. Strange, because I've hated every other Coldplay video (except The Scientist). I think it does a really good job of showing what the song is about in a new, fun and innovative way. I love how it preserves the somber meaning of the song but makes it humorous and positive, so it transforms the song's meaning whatever you want it to be. Outstanding. I would give it 11 out of 10 elephants if I could, haha. [thanks Baw8cc]
October 2011: Your One-Stop-Shop for Coldplay Info! [thanks ApproximatelyInfinite]
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