More questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)
October 26, 2009 - submitted by Louise, Denmark
Q. Who is J?
The Oracle replies:
There are 2 people whom Chris refers to as J. Jonny Buckland and Jay Z so it will be either of those depending on where you heard him say it...
October 26, 2009 - submitted by Will, Australia
Q. Hello Oracle, I was wondering did Coldplay ever make a song or sing lyrics along the lines of "There she goes, there she goes again, right back round the bend?" I heard it on a horse racing ad in Australia and it sounded like Coldplay. Thanks
The Oracle replies:
I would imagine the song you're looking for is There She Goes by The La's. The lyric is There she goes, there she goes again, racing through my brain...
October 26, 2009 - submitted by Evey, United States of America
Q. Hello Sir Oracle, What would be a good song to sing to myself on my birthday? Besides "Happy Birthday"... I find that song overused and dull.
The Oracle replies:
Although that's the traditional song sung on birthdays there are other tracks out there with that title that you could sing to yourself. Maybe try
Pictures of Chris Martin at the 2009 Bridge School Benefit in Mountain View, CA (24th October 2009):
More pictures of the event can be found at now.
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