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    Coldplay's Oracle fills in the missing lyrics gaps and recommends new bands

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1200 questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    May 7, 2010 - submitted by Abbie, United States of America

    Q. My dearest Oracle, Would you complete this line from the LRLRL version of Fix You: 500 meters from the ___, and ________. Thank you, it has been puzzling me!

    The Oracle replies:

    I will indeed. Chris sings "Well high up above or down below. 500 metres from the band at a Coldplay show".

    May 7, 2010 - submitted by Rita, Lebanon

    Q. Hello Oracle, if cinema is the 7th art what are the other 6? Thanks.

    The Oracle replies:

    The other 6 arts are architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance and poetry.


    May 6, 2010 - submitted by Lottie, United Kingdom

    Q. Dear Oracle, When Coldplay played at Wembley in September I noticed a globe on top of a box on the stage (sort of behind Guy). If the parachutes globes were all in storage what is this globe and what was it's purpose? Lottie

    The Oracle replies:

    That wasn't a globe as they were indeed all in storage. The original globe was auctioned off for Kids Company and raised a whopping £8,230.


    May 6, 2010 - submitted by Jean, Philippines

    Q. Hi Oracle! How come it was stated in the album booklet of Viva la Vida album: "Paintings by Eugene Delacroix" though what I read in Wikipedia was: the painting used in the album cover art was by Frida Kahlo?

    The Oracle replies:

    No, the album name was taken from a Kahlo painting but the actual cover was Liberty Leading the People, a painting by Eugene Delacroix.


    May 6, 2010 - submitted by Caroline, United States of America

    Q. Hi Oracle, I was wondering if you could recommend some new bands/ artists for me to listen to? Something similar to Coldplay, The Killers, Keane, Snow Patrol. Thanks in advance!

    The Oracle replies:

    Ok so today's delights are: Animal Kingdom, The Drums, The XX, Jonsi, Bon Iver and finally Midlake. Some aren't as new as others but still may be new to you; they should keep you going for while or at least until the next Oracle recommends spot...




    Pictures of Chris Martin in New York City (23rd April 2010):












    Source: http://infdaily.com


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