More questions answered by The Oracle... (submit yours now!)
July 7, 2009 - submitted by Matthew, United States of America
Q. Dear wise one, Firece Panda Records Re-released Brothers and Sisters due to its extreme limited first run production. Are there any plans to do the same for the Safety ep? I think I speak for many Coldplay fans whose CD collections are incomplete without it. I understand that the original recordings can be found on other CD singles but it's nice to have the CD itself with album art. If there are no plans I think it would be a great idea....Just a thought. Please let me know what you think. If you can post this I would like everyone to know, if you have an original copy of the Safety your price. Thank you!
The Oracle replies:
Safety goes for around £1000 these days but I would never sell mine! There'll never be a re-release as it was for demo purposes only. Plus all the original recordings have appeared on official releases now, so you can have those... Check the discography to see the singles which contain the Safety tracks.
July 7, 2009 - submitted by Rent, Brazil
Q. Dear Oracle, I have a dream, a very big dream - one of those which make your eyes shine - and I really really wanna go after it. Though, I'm discouraged by my family and friends. What do I do? I know that it is the only thing that would make me smile, someday, while looking to the past. I don't know if I mispelled something, or if it's clear. But, please, help me to follow my dream! Thank you very much. :)
The Oracle replies:
The exact same thing happened to me and quite frankly, the fact that family and friends weren't supportive or encouraging only made me more determined. I think you need to listen to your inner self and go for it!
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