Chris, Johnny and Guy turn in their most explosive Residency show yet as they turn up the heat on the Simon Pegg feud. Strip bars are also in favour, it seems...
Chris Martin, Johnny Buckland and Guy Berryman turned in their greatest performance as Xfm DJs on last Sunday's Residency show. They mentioned strip bars, turned up the heat on their 'feud' with Simon Pegg and also stumbled very close to being libellous.
"We called Simon Pegg and he blatantly ignored our call", said Chris Martin, stoking the flames of the feud that begun with the British funny man two weeks ago. "Let's not call him at all this week. If you've got a DVD of Shaun Of The Dead or Hot Fuzz, take it back because that guy just doesn't care about you and he doesn't care about us".
Remarkably, the band's ire was also directed towards their own material as Martin continued his outburst...
"You should also take a Rush Of Blood To The Head, X+Y and Parachutes... any Coldplay album you should also return because it's a con, it's a rip off, it's cheese merchant, it's a nipple peep show... It's not worth having. OK?"
Possibly trying to diffuse the situation, Guy Berryman waded even further into muddy waters...
"I like nipple peep shows", said the bass player.
"I wish I could tell Guy's Stringefellows story but I can't because it's libellous", added Chris.
Listen to Coldplay’s brilliant fourth and final Residency show here and download the full series in MP3 format here [thanks fsa & iriden]
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