Another year has passed and Coldplayer 'Chris's Nuts' is asking you to submit your top 25-50 Coldplay songs in ranked order in the new 2010 Top 50 Coldplay Song List mega poll which marks the end of the Viva La Vida era and of course the end of the noughties decade.
Your lists are being submitted until January 31st, 2010 in the Coldplay forum here - please also make sure that you are aware of the rules before posting your lists.
In 2006 The Scientist [pictured, top left] was voted Coldplay fans' favourite Coldplay song, and it wasn't knocked off number 1 spot until mid-2008 when the newly released Viva La Vida was voted the fans' favourite Coldplay song, after reaching top spot in the singles charts in the UK and US simultaneously. The question is, come the beginning of 2010 will it stay as fans' favourite?
The results of what was polled in mid 2008 are here - this was of course before the Prospekt's March EP and people have also had enough time to change their opinions on their prior songs, perhaps even drastically. If you did this back in 2008 then you might want to start with your old list from the original thread and make changes.
Here are the rules (same as previous polls):
1. Collaborations are ok, as long as the entire band was in on it (aka no Homecoming, All things come to, etc...)
2. Covers are allowed
3. Different versions of songs do not count (No Lost? Lost+ or Don't Panic Blue room edition etc...) This does mean that you count Life in Technicolor (both version 1+2) as one song. I know that might bug some but that's so people don't split votes between the 2 versions and both place poorly. If you like one over the other rank THAT version accordingly in your list. So if you put version 1 or 2 I'm throwing out the # indicator....
4. Remixes do not count.
5. The songs must be ranked in order. No exceptions.
6. Unreleased songs (but performed live) are ok.
7. You can do a minimum of 25 songs and a maximum of 50 songs in your list. So 25-50 songs on lists are ok.
8. If you want to edit your list later that's fine. Just do not reply post your edits into a new post. Use your original post.
If you have a list in the old thread that was ranked just re-post it (search with your username and a songtitle for quick results). If you had a loose list before that needs to be ranked please do so and drop it in the thread. If you are starting from scratch feel free to use any of the previous lists and then shuffle them around to make them your own.
Pictures of winning auction items in the Coldplay end of decade clearout sale (lo&loud):
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