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    Two delightful Chris Martin interviews on UK radio

    Two delightful Chris Martin interviews on UK radio.

    Our charismatic and witty frontman was back to the usual rounds of light hearted chat before the London shows recently. During the Ghost Stories era, Chris and the band have not done a great deal of interview, in comparison to the previous two eras which is inline with the lower key release for Coldplay's sixth studio album.

    Chris Martin on BBC Radio 2 - with Steve Wright

    Chris Martin -BBC Radio 2 2014


    Chris Martin visited the BBC headquarters, where he recently had that very open and personal interview on BBC Radio 1, with Zane Lowe. This time, it was much more of a casual visit, with Chris being his wacky self!


    During the fun interview, Chris Martin states his love of scones, missing them due to living away from home! When he was asked "You're a vegeterian of course, right?", to which Chris replied, "not really", "well, I eat meat" as Steve Wright chuckles before Chris added "I was a vegetarian for quite a long time" but stated it changed for various reasons but his daughter, Apple Martin has been a vegetarian since birth. Chris says he doesn't really eat much meat and may be tempted to go back! The interview moved along the same lines with Chris explaining that would only eat something he can kill such as a fish, he wouldn't like it but he could! then amusingly joking, just as Steve Wright was changing the subject, Chris said "a Giraffe" which resulted in more great laughs all-round! The chat moves on to Ghost Stories, and on the subject of the critical reception, Chris said "the pact we made among ourselves in the band was to follow our gut instinct" and that they don't worry about the critics so much anymore. Moving on to influences, Chris mentioned that they are inspired by Scottish band, Travis and influenced now by artists such as Ed Sheeran and Rudimental. 'Alchemise' has been Chris' favourite word since his experience with a sufi teacher and he mentions it a lot during the later part of the brilliant interview, including his gratefulness of being able to have the job of being in Coldplay. To finish off, Chris was asked what was on the agenda next to which he replied, "A tennis academy"! Oh Chris!


    Click here to listen or download the interview (Thank you Jaes)

    Chris Martin on Absolute Radio - with Pete Donaldson

    Chris Martin Absolute radio 2014


    In an interview that was aired only an hour before the stream on the July 1st Royal Albert Hall show took place, Chris Martin talked with Absolute Radio's Pete Donaldson about their live gig preparation, experiences and thoughts about the critics. Chris reminisced about his first Albert Hall experience, seeing the Black Crows live for the first time and how the lead singer smiled towards him which sticks in his great memories! Chris explains the closeness within the band and how they appreciate being with each other and do not take anything for granted and states its a rare trait to which only a few bands such as U2 and Radiohead have. Pete asked Chris, "Does it help being British a little bit, like if someone gets too big for their boots, that you get dragged down a little bit?" and Chris wholeheartedly agreed, "100% I think that's key. Anytime any of us goes a bit off, the others say comon man", "get down" Pete added as Chris agreed. Chris goes over the subject of 'alchemy' once more and the experiences of the album making him stronger. Classic Britpop band, Pulp also remains a favourite for Chris, particularly All Sorted for e's and whizz , which was played presumably through request during the middle of the interview. First single,Magic and the bass line provided by Guy was the next topic during the interview. Pete commented that the album made had him feel drained emotionally and Chris replied semi-jokingly "sorry, it was a selfish album, I needed it!". Chris reflects some more over the reception of the album and the band generally, speaking "A lot of people of people don't really like our band but lots of people do and we really do and I love it, I love being in our band and I think we're great" before laughing and adding, "its such a great feeling". The interview, nearing the end, launching into a tremendous life talk from Chris, prompted Pete to gasp "I wanna high five you Chris". On the subject of critics, Chris mentioned "Who cares if someone scores your album 2 out of 20" with Pete bantering, "who scores albums out of 20??!", the pair laughed.


    You can listen to or download the interview here (thanks again Jaes)


    Remember to share this page on Facebook or Twitter, every share is a high five for the wonderful, down to earth Chris Martin!

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