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    Coldplay's Oracle discusses the next album title, 'Til Kingdom Come, falconry, stepping on lego and more...

    More questions answered by The Oracle... (circa. 4000! questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    March 28, 2013 - submitted by Maria, Italy

    Q. Hi Dear Oracle. Hope everything's ok over there ;) I got excited reading that Life Of Pi won as Best Soundtrack at Oscars 2013... so is it true that Paradise is part of it? If yes I'll be more excited. actually! And you? Thanks a lot xxx MC

    The Oracle replies:

    No, Paradise was used as a trailer for the film but the Oscar was given to Mychael Danna for the Best Original Score.


    March 28, 2013 - submitted by lucy, United Kingdom

    Q. Dear Oracle, In the End of Decade Clearout Sale video is it Chris or Jonny wearing the Strawberry Swing outfit? Thanks from Lucy.

    The Oracle replies:

    I am guessing the only reason you could be confused is because of the Jonny style hat and beard but it's Chris!


    March 27, 2013 - submitted by Mandie, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle, You mentioned yesterday that Princess of China is in some way based on a Sigur Ros song, could you please tell me which one? Coldplay and Sigur Ros are my two favorite bands and I would love to know how one inspired the other! Thanks!

    The Oracle replies:

    Chris has been a longtime fan of Sigur Ros. Princess of China is more than just inspired by Sigur Ros, it includes a sample from Takk.


    March 27, 2013 - submitted by Margaux, France

    Q. Hey Oracle! I would like to know a little bit more about you. Do you like read ? If so, what is the last book you read? I'll take account of your choices for my next reading ! :) Thanks ! xx

    The Oracle replies:

    I love reading - if it's a good book - and have managed 4 this year so far. I started the year with Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt - loved it. Last night I finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon - totally different from anything I have read before but a brilliant read. In between those I read Men From the Boys by Tony Parsons and Amy, My Daughter by Mitch Winehouse.


    March 27, 2013 - submitted by Lorena, Chile

    Q. Hi, I want to know if this is your account on Instagram. Thanks with love Lorena.

    The Oracle replies:

    Usually if the word official appears, it's because it is official. If you ever see the word on what is clearly a bogus account, do feel free to let us know. Here is a recap of our official social network links: twitter /

    facebook / tumblr / instagram and the lesser used myspace. Once again, please be aware that the band members do NOT have individual accounts on any of the above.


    March 26, 2013 - submitted by Shaikah, Saudi Arabia

    Q. Hey I'm big fan of Coldplay in twitter A/Q that was done few months ago. Chris mentioned that falconry - not sure if it is the right word, was one of his hobbies. It also my husband favorite hobby. I really loved to see picture of Chris with his falcon or practicing his hobby? And what they really hunt in England? Do they hunt buzzard too? I'll be grateful of you post picture. And sending Coldplay love from Saudi Arabia. Peace.

    The Oracle replies:

    Last May there was a twitter Q&A. Chris replied to one about what he likes to do when he has time off with "I like falconry, jousting and looking for suits of armour on eBay. And making up daft answers to questions." The last part of this gives away that Chris was just having a bit of fun. He doesn't count falconry as a hobby (or jousting & looking for suits of armour on eBay).


    March 26, 2013 - submitted by Ira, Russia

    Q. I heard that Chris had said that the name of the next album would be easier to pronounce. So the name of the next album has already exist. When will the band be ready to declare it?

    The Oracle replies:

    All he was saying there was that Mylo Xyloto was problematic for most to say. It was tricky to know where to put the emphasis on Xyloto and whether to pronounce it with 2 or 3 syllables for example. The band will not declare the final title (or any working titles) until the album is ready.


    March 25, 2013 - submitted by Harry, United Kingdom

    Q. Is it true that Coldplay signed their contract on Pedaloes?

    The Oracle replies:

    Yes, but it wasn't their Parlophone record contract they signed on pedalos it was their publishing contract with BMG (now Universal).


    March 25, 2013 - submitted by Ryan, United Kingdom

    Q. Hi Oracle, Grammatical question. On the album X&Y, track 13 is listed as 'Till Kingdom Come. The apostrophe indicates that the word has been abbreviated from 'Untill' which isn't a word. "Till" (no apostrophe) and " 'Til " appear to be the only correct ways of spelling this preposition. One of my friends has tattooed this on her person and was a bit disappointed when I pointed out (what I believe) to be an error. I'm not sure that it's intended to be a clever rock-star misspelling of the word, possibly just a graphic artist getting a little excited. Could you please advise? Ryan.

    The Oracle replies:

    The track IS called 'Til Kingdom Come and therefore there is no grammatical error on the album sleeve's track listings. Unfortunately that means your friend has an incorrect tattoo. Speaking of rock star misspelling, I recall telling the singer of Dust Junky's that his band name really ought to be Dust Junkies but he replied that it looked better his way. I suppose (band) names are ok to change but as you say 'til is the correct abbreviation. Anchorman informs me that George Orwell and Julia Donaldson abbreviate until to till. As far as I am concerned that is the word for a cash register (amongst other things).


    March 25, 2013 - submitted by Kelly, United States of America

    Q. Has the almighty Oracle ever stepped on a Lego? Also, has the Oracle ever *gasp* used Comic Sans?

    The Oracle replies:

    OUCH!Yes, I have stepped on Lego and it hurt (NOT like Heaven either). I am unsure why you gasped at the suggestion of Comic Sans; it's my favourite font! In a turn of fate, I now know the man who created it.


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